The Sporting Goods Store Did Not Account For All Of The Dicks In The Area

Calling in a fake bomb threat and active shooter to a store across the street from where your boyfriend is about to get arrested for shoplifting maybe isn’t the smartest thing you could do, but I’ll go ahead and put it in the category of ideas so crazy they just might work. Distraction can be a pretty powerful thing if done well.

But that’s the key.

If you’re going to do it well, you would not, and I cannot stress this enough, NOT! make those calls on your speakerphone while inside of an Uber that is driving you to the very store you’re threatening.

A woman from Maine is under arrest after police alleged she called in fake threats at a Walmart in Seabrook.According to Seabrook Police, around 11 a.m. Saturday, their officers received a report of a possible explosive device in the Walmart. Soon after, officers reported that someone called the police department directly, claiming a man in the store had a gun.Officers evacuated Walmart and nearby stores to search the store, and called in the New Hampshire State Police bomb squad to sweep for any explosive devices.

Around 4 p.m., police say they found the suspect behind the hoax threats at the Best Western Hotel in Seabrook. Meghan Leavitt, 38, of Alfred, Maine, has been charged with false reports as to explosives, false reports to law enforcement, false public alarm, criminal threatening, and possession of a controlled drug.Police told WMUR-TV on Saturday that they were able to identify Leavitt as the suspect and track her down quickly, because she made the calls on speaker phone on her way to shopping center in an Uber. Her driver heard her make the calls, and subsequently alerted the police. Officers say she was coming to the complex because her boyfriend was about to be arrested at the Dick’s Sporting Goods across from the Walmart for shop lifting. He was hiding in a changing room talking to her before she made the calls.Mone said that she made the calls in an effort to distract the police from arresting her significant other.

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