Last Updated on: 26th April 2012, 01:38 pm
>Greeting & Salutations
I trust you all enjoyed your long weekend. Where I was, just like most of Ontario, it was bitterly cold for the unofficial “Start Of Summer”. We scrapped the cottaging/camping ideas for much better ones of staying home on the couch. I had a friend in from out of town whom I hadn’t seen in quite some time. Was great to see her.
All in all, we didn’t do too much but did venture out on Saturday night to see a movie with. We went to see RV with Robin Williams. I had been told for weeks not to bother cuz it looked terrible but I’m a big fan of most of the things he does. A friend told me Friday she had gone and loved it so I said screw it and we headed out on Saturday night.
It was hilarious. Williams always is. The story basically centres on an well-to-do family planning a trip to Hawaii. All they do is sit in their rooms with headphones on and IM each other so the father cans the trip to Hawaii and loads them all in an RV. They get stuck talkin’ to rednecks and hating each other and all sorts of comedy gold. I’d definately reccomend it. We didn’t stop laughing for more than 5 minutes through the entire thing.
After that we met up with some other people who had seen a different movie and went to Denny’s for evening nightcap milkshakes.
Last night was the Season Finale of 24. I’m so hooked on that show, it’s crazy. Just when it looks like everything is good in the world again and Jack might even be able to make nice with his astranged daughter, Kim, those damn Chinese strike again and leave one hell of a cliffhanger for Season 6. Incredible. Don’t know how I’ll get through the summer without it.
Well, back to work.