Black Mirror Made Me Look In The Mirror

So I finally got Netflix. I haven’t used it super much, but I go through fits and starts. But the first thing I did was watch the most recent season of Black Mirror and then watch Bandersnatch, that choose your own adventure episode of the show, and yes, it is accessible, and very able to …


I learned something that apparently has been a thing for at least four years. If you get those spam texts, you can report them to your service provider by forwarding the spam messages to 7726, which spells “spam”. Depending on your provider, what happens after that may vary, but pretty much any North American provider …

We Won’t Be Counted Among The Jailed Population! Woo!

Well, it’s time to do the census again, and we did it last weekend. We probably would have done it relatively quickly, but my friend told me it was due on May 11, so we hurried up and got it done. We were surprised that they would send out the census and demand it be …

A Little Bit Of Vaccine History

As we moved closer to being able to get COVID vaccines, I wondered how things went when the Polio vaccine rolled out. Were people scared of it? Did people think it got developed too quickly? Were there all these conspiracy theories? Then I saw this story about what happened when the Polio vaccine arrived, and …

I Totally Agree With This Guy

I’m a member at the Funny Music Project, and every month I get a newsletter full of album and video goodness. This gem was among all the new awesome (uh-oh, should I say awesome anymore?). I wished it had been around when I wrote about yeet because it could have fit perfectly. I think the …

I Got My First COVID Shot!

“I need vaccination, vaccination, vaccination…” and I got it! My first shot anyway. Yup, this afternoon, I got my first COVID vaccine. You might be wondering why the heck I was able to get a vaccine right now. You didn’t think I was quite that old yet. Well I’m not, but I have medical conditions …

Bye Bye, Farewell, You’re Leavin’.

More and more often, I’m seeing these screen-reader accessibility overlays. They promise better accessibility for screen-reader users. At best, they do nothing. At worst, they make things worse. I saw one at Mastermind Toys that was making it virtually impossible to shop there. If they didn’t have a chat function, the Seppa-Tebby-Tebby nephew wouldn’t have …