New Regulations When You Fly With Your Service Dog

I just got this email a few days ago from Guide Dogs for the Blind about some new regulations to do with flying with your guide dog, whenever flying is a safe thing to consider doing again. It sounds like they’ve done most of this the right way. It could use a couple of tweaks, …

Shoo Away, 2020, Shoo Away!

I have to explain where the title came from. On one of the last days before the world ground to a halt in March, we babysat the Seppa-Tebby-Tebby nephew for a few hours. Much fun was had by all, being ponies and slops, that’s sloths, playing with toys and other random objects, eating cookies and …

What’s Up, Paul? Not Much. Just Getting COVID Tested For No Reason

I like this commercial for the most part, but it has one major flaw. If Paul has COVID but doesn’t know it, how did he end up getting tested, which gave him the code, which he entered into the app, bla bla bla? If you’re not symptomatic, you’re probably not getting a test which won’t …

Milk Is Amazingly Gross When You Can’t See What It’s Doing

Steve’s naked singing milk-drinking guy made me think of this milk commercial, and some thoughts I had about it. I’m sure what’s happening there is there is a waterfall of milk and maybe a cow off to the side mooing. But that is not the image that the sound conjured up for me, who couldn’t …

Another Large Entry in the Shmans Chronicles

It’s time for another Shmans update, complete with new songs she likes sprinkled throughout. I’ve accumulated a surprising amount of stuff even though we haven’t been exactly leading an exciting life. She is definitely enjoying all this chill time. Now that we’re not going out nearly as much as we used to, she is enjoying …

Wherever I Go, I’ve Got Beams In My Ears

I read about the idea of Sound Beaming technology and I couldn’t decide what my predominant initial reaction was. I had two extreme reactions: one of thinking this was the most awesome thing ever and one of the shivers. Imagine a world where you move around in your own personal sound bubble. You listen to …

The Dumbest Smart Laundry System Ever

Ten years ago, I wrote this frustrating rundown of trying to refill my laundry card. That was 10 years ago! And the sad thing is very little has changed. We have made some improvements, but the system still has some pretty big flaws in it, and the flaws are brain-snappingly stupid. Back in November, for …

Royalty-Free, I’ll Sing A Song, Rickety-Tickety-Tin

Back when I was at university, I discovered Tom Lehrer. I can’t remember if it was because of the song “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park” or the Dectalk version, but I decided I was going to learn everything I could about him. I went down a great big Tom Lehrer rabbit hole. I bought albums. …