This story happened a while ago in Dublin, and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it’s true. John Bradford, a Dublin University student, was on the side of the road hitch-hiking on a very dark night and in the midst of a big storm. The night was rolling on and no car …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Probably everybody knows about this, but hey. Maybe it’s good to have it up somewhere for people to find. This was emailed to me from GDB. GDB Partners with Be My Eyes Greetings GDB Alumni! I have some very exciting news to share with you. On Monday, September 14 GDB will begin providing specialized support …
Silly Nephew, Didn’t You Know, I’m Bluffing My Way Through The Gruffalo?
The other day I went on a tiny shopping spree…for kids’ books. Yup, I bought a few books to have around in case we end up babysitting wee ones. I have learned recently that I can memorize kids’ stories if I hear them read often enough, and sometimes it only takes a few repetitions to …
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COVID Hyper-Alert?
I have a probably dumb question about the new COVID Alert app. If you get the virus and report that to the app and input your happy little key, what happens when your case is marked as resolved? Does the public health unit deactivate your key so your phone stops spewing warning-triggering codes? Or are …
A New COVID-19 Theory? That’s Super, Computer!
As we learn more about COVID-19, it pisses us off because it feels like its laundry list of symptoms just keeps growing, and the symptoms have no connection to each other. We just want to scream “Now you tell us it can cause cough, fever, loss of taste, sore throat, headache, stroke, heart trouble, kidney …
Continue reading “A New COVID-19 Theory? That’s Super, Computer!”
I�ve Got To Fix This!
We have been wanting to solve this mystery for years, and the other day, we finally did, so I thought I’d pass on the solution. It started one day when Steve and I were sending emails to our buddy J. Steve was using Thunderbird, and J and I were using Outlook. For some reason, I …
It’s God Soap!
When I went to Tansy’s puppy raisers’ place the last time, they sent me home with this big bottle of soap that she said was supposed to be really amazing for dogs and people alike. I got the feeling it was supposed to work miracles on whatever it touched. All I knew was it was …
Space: The Pharma Frontier
You can tell that because we’re at home more, there’s more time for things on TV to seep into my subconscious. One day, I looked at Steve and said “So many names of drugs sound like things out of Star Trek!” I think he thought I was nuts, but he humoured me, and eventually I …
It’s A Nice Day For A WhatsAppp Wedding
Oops there’s something in my eye. Here’s something that’s very 2020. A couple of weeks ago, Steve and I watched someone’s wedding over Whatsapp. It wasn’t just someone. It was Barb and Alex’s wedding, and if the stupid Coronavirus hadn’t come along and squashed all this year’s hopes and dreams, we were supposed to be …
No Matter Where You Live, We Can’t Shake Hands
A while ago, I constructed a list of kids’ songs that weren’t totally obnoxious. I was thinking about that list, and realized this one is ruined. Lyrics are here. Thanks, Coronavirus! We certainly *don’t* want to teach kids to shake hands right now. That song is so beautiful, so simple, and so sadly not a …
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