Wow, I have often bitched about my height before, but maybe, just maybe, there’s an advantage to being short in these times. It seems that taller people are at higher risk of getting Coronavirus. Finally, all these years of needing stepstools to reach things, needing to have my pants hemmed and needing to drag myself …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
This Song Makes Me Laugh For All The Wrong Reasons
I think I’ve said it before. My dad has some wacky expressions. I don’t know how many times, as a kid, I heard him say something, thought he was weird for it, and then discovered it came from a book or a song or whatever. Now I catch myself getting the same reaction from people. …
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Here We Go Again…
I figured that was an appropriate soundtrack for what I was going to say. I wish I could find proper lyrics. I would write them out but there are a couple of spots where I’m not sure of them all. Somebody posted this article about the resistance to wearing masks in 1918 and it sounds …
Cinderella, Can’t You see he’s a jerk?
I think I made Steve very confused the other night. He came back out to the balcony where I was, and I said “In that last song, I’m pretty sure the guy’s a prick!” Poor Steve hadn’t heard the song I was talking about, so he was very befuddled. But I found the song and …
It’s A JBL Flip Your Lid 5!
I’m trying to unravel a mystery, and hope that maybe writing about it will help. So…Friday night, we had to accept the fact that Steve’s beautiful iPod dock bit the dust. Well, the dock itself is probably fine, but the cord that went from old ass iPhone 4 port to lightning port got frayed and …
We Can Make What?
When Rogers Ignite changed their slogan to…this, we couldn’t figure out what it was saying. Was it we give Mike a mop? We can like Mark? We can go to Mars? We can make a month? We can make a monk? Guaca macca mole? We can make a march? We eventually settled on “We can …
You…Are Yogurt!
I’m starting to wonder if I’m losing the part of me that responds to the warm fuzzies that some commercials try to generate. Take this YOP ad for example. Granted, the version I keep seeing just starts with the group of four young people saying “If you want to build a better world, …” and …
Red Hot Eeewww!
Somebody commented on Gill’s misheard lyrics and that got me thinking of another one. I was a strange, twisted kid sometimes. Not only did I misunderstand lyrics of songs, the ones I came up with were…just…gross or something. Take this one. “The last of the red hot fools”. The name should have been enough to …
A Mass Of Mask Info
Since masks are a new part of our lives when we want to go to a store or hang out in an office or whatever, I thought maybe it would be good to post a few helpful videos about them. First, since you run the risk of making yourself sick if you don’t do things …
If Alexa or Google Gives You Some Bad Info Now and Then, Don’t Be Surprised
I know I have written before about a kid picking on her virtual assistant, but I’ve seen another version of this, and this one seems even worse, in a strange way. Here’s the ad in question…almost. Apparently this ad was made for the Super Bowl, and we got a slightly abbreviated one. In ours, she …
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