In This Episode Of “I Wrote That?”…

Man, I’m getting forgetful. I’ve said it before, but it just keeps getting chucked in my face. The other day I wrote about some people who thought the world was ending. When I was looking around for something else, I found this post with nearly an identical title, from nearly 10 years ago to the …

I Want A Coronavirus For Christmas

No, I don’t have a death wish. Let me explain. First, imagine singing the “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” song, but pronouncing Coronavirus like “Corin avris”. That’s how one of our screen-readers pronounces Coronavirus. Steve and I have gotten so used to pronouncing it that way that we have to make sure we say …

The New Themes In My COVID Dreams

A while back, I said that I was having anxiety-filled COVID dreams. I am having less of those, but I have noticed that my dreams have changed. I guess they would be new-age COVID dreams. Now, they’re less terrifying and more sad. They point out all the little things that I miss, or think might …

Your Outlook Is Like A Prison That You’re In

A friend sent me this song and encouraged me to tear it to pieces. Don’t mind if I do. Here are the lyrics, so we can rip this thing apart in new and creative ways. Maybe I don’t speak too well but I’m coming outta my shell And I like playing by myself if you …

Dealing With Masks If You Can’t Hear

I saw this article about masks causing communication problems for people with hearing loss, and I thought I would pass it on. I expected lip-reading would be a problem, but I hadn’t considered facial expressions, which was a total duh moment. I think this article does a good job of explaining the problem and giving …