How The Vomit Comet People Are Responding To COVID-19

Sorry…Too many emails… Lyrics here if you need them. So how are we doing? So far, we’re doing ok. I’m working from home, we’ve been told we’re working from home until at least May, being kept very busy because when everybody *has* to do their courses on line, problems come up that haven’t been dealt …

Corona Coraziness!

Wow, what a week. It has gone from “gee this virus is moving fast, maybe we should watch stuff” to “CANCEL EVERYTHING NOW!” The transition, although necessary, is a bit jarring. I am really really really happy I didn’t go to Anaheim. If I had, I’d be being asked to self-isolate now. All the shifting …

The Coolest Song About The Brain

Your brain is divided into two hemispheres Your left controls your right side and your right controls your left side And they’re both tied together in a neat little package By the totally awesome Corpus Callosum When you peel away that meninges layer Wipe off that cerebro-spinal fluid And you’re looking right at the four …

Covid-19, You are causing A Scene, At This Moment, You Wrecked Everything…

This stupid Coronavirus is ruining all the things. I’m supposed to be getting on a plane to CSUN on Tuesday morning…but am I? Hell nooo! It’s not because I’m afraid of the virus per se. I’m afraid of getting stuck somewhere for an unplanned extended stay because of the virus. I have several prescriptions that, …

I Did An Ignite Talk And Didn’t Blow Up!

I meant to write about this back in November, but November and December sort of got devoured, so maybe I can do it justice now. Every November, our company does a little internal conference where people do talks and workshops and stuff for other people to learn from. When it came time to make presentation …

What Matters Most, What Makes Us Whole, Is Knowing Who Is Annoying The Hell Out Of Us This Christmas

This friggin commercial drove me batty this Christmas season. and not for the reason you’re probably thinking, that it ran six jillion times an hour, especially on certain channels. No, it’s for these three reasons. First, I had no idea what it was for. This happens more times these days than I’d like. I’d …