Why Is This Dog So lumpy?!

I have to explain the title. The Seppa-Tebby-Tebby nephew has this game that he likes to play where he gets into your chair and squishes himself really small at the back of the seat. Then you’re supposed to sit down on the chair, lean back and say “Why is this chair so lumpy?!” Then you …

Way Too Many Thoughts About Yeet

I actually saw the whole Judge Judy yeet incident Steve referenced here. Steve was out in the kitchen and I started laughing like crazy. At the time, I thought this “yeet” thing was just something this dopey kid and her dopey friends said. I mean, said dopey kid just hucked somebody’s laptop because she heard …

The Penis Game Is So Much Fun…That Sounds Wrong

My turn to play the penis game. Mine is based off the album called “Medical Melodies and Surgical Songs”. It’s where the song about googling your symptoms came from. Here we go! Never Google Your Penis (No. Google Randy Orton’s instead. Might as well dredge up another old reference while we’re at it…) Text Message …

Um? Is That A Good Noise Or A Bad Noise?

I saw this video on Facebook a bit ago, and I’m sure my mom wishes she could have shown me this before we first flew, because when we did, I was constantly going “What’s that sound? That one? That one? Does that one mean the same as that one? Or that? What about that?” My …

All The Doctors Are Going To Play This On A Loop

I saw the song “Never Google Your Symptoms” show up on the Dr. Demento official Facebook page and thought “This is so totally a song for me!” Heck, I can even picture Steve singing it to me whenever I decided to hit the google if I had some new medical wrinkle. Sometimes, Google has been …

Six Months Of Shmans

Tansy has been very much neglected up here, but I have once again amassed quite the list of updates, observations and acknowledgements of time. Back in October, Tansy got out her barf bingo dabber and checked off that month. I think the little rip stole some dropped food at a social event at work, but …