Are You Being Passive-Aggressive To The Computer? That’s What I Thought!

I keep seeing this commercial where there’s this warm fuzzy style music playing and this kid is asking her virtual assistant questions. First, it’s how old is the earth, and then the kid starts asking unanswerable questions like “Do you know how the sun feels on your face?” and “Have you ever seen a shooting …

Can You Help My Friend Make Her House More Accessible For Her Kids?

I don’t think I ever wrote about Katie, someone I went to university with. It’s a shame. I guess most of the time I would have had occasion to write about her, there wasn’t a blog, or I wasn’t writing for it. But now she is needing a little help raising some money to install …

Happy New Year! Don’t Screw It Up.

It’s a New Year, so how about a nice happy soundtrack? I would embed it, but the embed code-maker sucks large accessibility balls. the old year is now in its grave. Good riddance, and be gone, to all the things you said you’d do and either didn’t, or did wrong a new year to screw …

A New Treatment For Diabetes! Sweet!

I just saw this CTV story about a new treatment for Type 1 diabetes and it looks pretty neat. From what I understand, this pouch full of cells gets implanted under the patient’s skin and mimics the pancreas, creating insulin in response to the amount of sugar in the blood. I do have questions though. …

The Dork With The Barrett Tattoo

I read about this story 6 months or so ago and meant to write about it then. Since it still makes me chuckle whenever I think about it, I’ll write about it now. I heard about a guy who skipped parole and they were looking for him. When I saw Nathan Barrett’s description, my first …

Love Is A 47-Year-Old Christmas Present

It appears the mystery of the 47-year-old gift has been solved, and it was captured on video! I guess the articles from last year made their way to Vicki Allen, the ex girlfriend who handed him the gift and dumped him, and they reconnected and decided to open the mystery gift for a charity. Thank …

The Cat’s Thoughts On Your Christmas Tree

I came across this song the other day, and chuckled. I thought of many cats our family had over the years. Thankfully none of them ruined our Christmas tree or did too much ornament damage, but I think we learned to strategically place breakable ornaments too high for them. Many times, we would come out …