I’ve been slow at getting this one up here, but I might as well do it now. Someone else has decided to build a smart cane. It’s called WeWalk, and it’s supposed to make your cane even more awesome. Since I always get a little suspicious when people start putting high tech stuff in a …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
A New Spin On The Old Refrain Of Please Refrain From Grabbing Blind People
Here’s another article about people’s need to grab blind people in an attempt to help. It’s saying a lot of the same things we said or mentioned before, but with the addition of an aspect I hadn’t thought of, how it must feel to experience this when you’re new to the whole blindness thing, and …
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Somebody’s Cheesed Off Now…
This story about two men in their 70’s fighting over cheese samples is a funny enough scene on its own. One fellow repeatedly cut in line at free sample stations in front of this other fellow until they had words about it and the line-cutter hit the other guy. But for some reason, there’s a …
I Am Not ImPresto
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a tweet that said that as of August 16, people could no longer buy Go Transit tickets at the ticket booth at the bus terminal. Now, you had to pay the driver in cash or Presto card. I thought that maybe the most sensible thing to do would …
The Tansy Scoop part 2
And now that I’ve put up the super time-sensitive and milestone-type stuff, here’s some random stuff that’s left over. I forgot to include a recent picture of Tansy, so here’s one that was taken close to her seventh birthday. I was at a conference, and when Tans went out to pee, she must have sniffed …
The Tansy Scoop part 1
Wow. The last time Tansy got a dedicated post was December! That’s just not cool! Of course, as a result, I have a metric ton of things to write down. This one could be a multi-parter. Tansy has entered a time period I affectionately nicknamed “the year of the complex.” She has worked with me …
In Case You Have To Explain Canada Day To An American
I’m still laughing about butter tarts and bagged milk. I’ve had to explain both of those things recently to people and have found them really hard to explain. Happy Canada Day. I hope you’re staying cool, because holy snappin’ crap it’s hot out there.
What’s That, Lassie? You Can Speak English Now?
I read about the idea of a pet translator, and although it’s in primitive stages, I got a little bit excited. Maybe, finally, this could be what I have been wishing for in this old post. Maybe this would allow me to ask my guide dog why she’s having trouble, or if anything hurts, or …
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Spooky Stuff Coming To Real Life
Here are eight “Black Mirror” things that kinda sorta exist in real life. Actually, we should make that nine. I meant to put this up last week to make people go “Woe, freaky!” Steve sent it to me. I knew about a few of these, but not all of them. No. 2 and 3 were …
Aira: It’s The Man In Your Head
This one’s going to be a honker. Get something good to drink and sit back and read. I got to go to CSUN again this year, which was awesome. While I was there, I took a stroll around the exhibit hall. One booth I definitely wanted to find was one run by Aira. What is …