Here are eight “Black Mirror” things that kinda sorta exist in real life. Actually, we should make that nine. I meant to put this up last week to make people go “Woe, freaky!” Steve sent it to me. I knew about a few of these, but not all of them. No. 2 and 3 were …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Aira: It’s The Man In Your Head
This one’s going to be a honker. Get something good to drink and sit back and read. I got to go to CSUN again this year, which was awesome. While I was there, I took a stroll around the exhibit hall. One booth I definitely wanted to find was one run by Aira. What is …
Hey Google! Get The Hell Out Of My Nightmares, And Yes I’m Yelling!
There must be a small part of me that is afraid that our Google Home Mini will turn against us. Maybe it comes from this lovely little clip of an Original Star Trek episode. I don’t know how much is showing in that clip, but basically it comes from the episode called “The Ultimate Computer”. …
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Get To Know Your Friends…A Little Too Well
Let me try and explain the soundtrack. Years ago, my parents got their computers full of nasty viruses and malware, and they were receiving tons of spam. I was trying to figure out how things got so bad, and mom said that one day a pop-up came up asking her to click on the flying …
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Info About Accessible Voting For This Provincial Election
It’s time for another election. Where the heck did those four years go? It doesn’t feel like nearly four years ago that I wrote this post about the trials and tribulations of accessible voting, but the calendar doesn’t lie. I have to say that this year, they seem to have made an accessible voting one-stop …
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Is The Emergency Alert System Supposed to Alert Emergency?
As most of us in Ontario know, there was a test of the new Alert Ready emergency alert system last week. It’s a good thing it was a test because some people in Ontario didn’t get it at all, some people only got it on some of their devices, the whole province of Quebec didn’t …
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No National Service Dog Team Standard! Yea!
I have a happy update to the Canadian service dog team standards story. They have scrapped it! I guess all the comments, meetings with MP\s, and whatever everyone else did convinced them that a one-size-fits-all standard does not work, as we all knew it wouldn’t. Of course, there are articles like this one that make …
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The Further Adventures of Googoo and Odessa
Here’s another video demonstrating why Grandma would not like an Amazon Echo. It doesn’t matter how many times I watch this video, it’s just as funny. I can’t help but crack up when she yells “Ok Goo goo!” It’s fascinating to watch her hitting the speaker thinking that will make it wake up. It totally …
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I Have Loose Lips, Doo Doo Doo Doo…
Ever since Dave left CJOY, we haven’t had the desire to listen to it in the mornings anymore. I’m sure the guy who replaced him is trying his level best, but he’s just not Dave and it shows. So, we started listening to CKWR, and it’s kind of fun because they have so much more …
I Will Go…Nowhere Near This Ever Again!
I was in a cab, and this atrocity assaulted my ears. Uuuuuuuuuug! I could end this post right here, because that is a horrible version of a beautiful song, but there is so much more I have to say. First, just in case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s the original. I’m not usually …