Head-Spinning Flight Safety Videos

Yes, I’m back home. I went to CSUN, the first time in four years. I flew two United flights, and thankfully, they didn’t try to break me or Tansy on either one. Very good news! But I did think their safety video seemed really weird. The words were normal enough, but the surrounding music was …

They’re All Gonna Laugh At You!

After reading a story about people’s Amazon Echo devices laughing at them at random, I’m really glad I didn’t get one for my grandma. That would have scared the heck out of her, understandably! Seriously. Sometimes out of the blue, or in the middle of a conversation that has not included the word “Alexa”, or …

I Was On The News Talking About Fake Service Dogs

I didn’t realize it when I woke up yesterday, but I was going to be on the news by the end of the day. Don’t worry, it wasn’t for something scary or stupid. I guess an old friend from school ended up talking to a reporter about the problem of disservice dogs and how businesses …

Microsoft Soundscape Looks Neat, But I’ll Have To Wait To Try It

Even though this isn’t available in Canada yet, I’m still posting about it because it’s cool. Microsoft has released another interesting app to help out us blind kids, this one is for navigation. It’s called Microsoft Soundscape. It’s kind of like Blindsquare only in a videogame-like format. As you’re walking, you will hear where points …

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who Is The Fairest Of Them All? Not Carin, Apparently.

Steve’s post about way too much technology that is too complicated for most referenced a smart bathroom. This reminded me of an old dream I had, which I don’t think made it to the blog. I had a dream that I ended up at some kind of show. I don’t know if it was a …

Some Random Thoughts About A Random Song

Steve’s comments on Gill’s DNA post about “I don’t particularly relish the thought of willingly dropping everything I am into the mail and sending it off to a corporation so they can do lord knows what with it.” reminded me of this song, which I have thought about putting up here since Barb showed it …

Remember This Next Time You Forget Something You’ve Read

Steve sent me this article about why we forget most of the books we read, and said I might enjoy it. I jumped up and down! Seriously, holy crap, this article explains all the things I’ve been noticing about myself and wondering if I’m having some kind of memory issue. I even asked the doctor …

This Sounds Like It Bites…But Cesar Should Be Used To That

Steve sent me this article about Audible launching a service for dogs, and then sat back and waited for the response. It didn’t take long. My first response was fascination. Could there actually be kinds of books a dog would like? We already had music, so could there be books? My hopes began to dwindle …