If It’s Gotta Be Eaten, It’s Gotta Be Pied!

I just did laundry today and used Tide pods to do it. As I dropped the slippery pods into the laundry, all I could think was ‘Why on earth would people try to eat them?’ I’m not talking about little kids finding one and going “ooo!” I’m not even talking about kids being fed laundry …

Timeless: A Potential New App To Help People With Dementia

I saw this article the other day, and it made me so happy. Emma Yang is going to do amazing things with her skills, of that I am sure. Maybe she could unite with Shubham Banerjee and do some amazing things. She saw her grandmother struggling with the effects of Alzheimer’s, and at 14, built …

There Was A Prof Named Edward Heddican, Teaching Cheques He Will Not Get Again,, Acted Up And They Suspended Him, Career of Edward Heddican Is At An End

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6ro9NLS3PE Just in case you don’t get the reference. I know this happened the week before last. I wanted to write about it last weekend but I ran out of time. The story goes that University of Guelph professor Edward Hedican was filling in for another prof, and got irritated with a student. Obviously I …

I know you Heavy Black Heart Emoji, But If You Use Too Many, I Loudly Crying Face And Your Post Becomes A Smiling Pile Of Poo!

Oh my god this is amazing, and I wish I’d written it. But since I didn’t, I’ll just link to it and give it a +1000. Emojis are cute and they are everywhere. Some of them are quite amusing and I have learned about a few new ones over the years. I don’t mind a …

Have A Giant Holiday Wrap-Up

Holy crap, it’s 2018. I feel like these holidays snuck up on us, then jumped on us, and now I’m still in disbelief that they’re over. In a small sense, they’re not quite over because I haven’t seen the nephews on my side of the family and we might see them this weekend, but everything …

Three Cheers, Three Offenses, What’s The Difference?

Sometimes, it pays to demonstrate your knowledge in a certain subject. Maybe you don’t have to take courses again if you can show you understand the subject matter. When the subject matter is taking field sobriety tests, though, it might be smarter to keep that knowledge a secret. Andrea Rego, for reasons unknown, decided to …

You’re A Foul One, Mr. Stolen Package

Among many tips, police say that if you’re receiving packages on your porch, you should have a camera there to discourage porch pirates from stealing the packages. What I’d love is a camera inside a particular stolen package, a lovingly-wrapped box of especially-disgusting diapers. It seems Angie Boliek had one too many Christmas packages stolen, …