She Targeted The Wrong Target

Here comes our latest shoplifter who chose to do it with 70 cops on hand for Shop With A Cop. This one is so head-slappingly stupid, it needs its own soundtrack. Not only did she pass two police motorcycles in the lobby of the Target store and several officers in their official uniforms once she …

A Cell Would Be A Fine Place For These Selwoods

Now, there’s a family whose parties were probably anything but fun. most of them ended up in jail for Christmas. Meet the Selwood family. We have a guy who doesn’t mind stabbing a buddy for asking him to share his steak dinner, and also doesn’t mind stomping on other people’s heads, among his 17 convictions. …

Signed On Your Liver, I’m Yours

Update 2: Simon Bramhall will not be defacing further livers. Not in an official capacity, at any rate. His name has been taken off of the medical registry. ‘The Tribunal, having concluded that a suspension order would be insufficient to protect the wider public interest, determined that the appropriate and proportionate sanction is erasure. ‘The …

Rapidly Developing Technology

Yesterday, I had to go get some pictures from my phone printed. I went to the “photo finishing” area of Shoppers. For some reason, the term “photo finishing” made me laugh, because this version was nothing like photo finishing as we understood it as kids…which made me go watch this Kids React video, which it …

A Guide To WordPress With A Screen-Reader: An Interesting Idea

Here’s something neat that I can get behind. Amanda Rush has started what could be a super useful project. It will be a behemoth, but what a useful behemoth! She is trying to build a comprehensive guide to WordPress with a screen-reader. What’s more, she is going to try to keep it current. You go, …

I Remember The Time My Service Dog Chased A Cat, Let The Memory Never Live Again!

When I think of all the concerts, plays and things I have gone to with Trix and Tans over the years, I am very thankful that neither of them has ever taken it into their heads to chase down one of the characters, like happened in this story. A dog ran amok at Andrew Lloyd …

A Couple of Weird Songs To Haunt Your Nightmares

Somebody posted this list of the 30 weirdest songs of all time to the Dr. Demento Facebook group. Some of the songs on there seemed kind of lame, but there were definitely a few gems on there that I’d never heard of before, and were way out there. One of them sounded so freaky that …