Service Dog-Related Stuff

There are a couple of service dog-related things I wanted to write down. I have been meaning to for a while, but they keep getting lost. Sometimes, when I’m following someone, and we slow down, the person I’m following will start saying, “Come on puppy, come this way, come on!” Then they wonder why I …

I Don’t Read Books, I Devour Them!

Quick note: I’ve updated the section about Audible Canada. Between last Christmas and my birthday, Steve created a monster; a book-devouring monster. Here’s how. First, he bought me Aftershokz Bluez2S headphones. Those things, although not perfect, are pretty cool. I can walk around, still hear, and listen to stuff from my phone. This made me …

It’s All Fun And Games Until Someone Draws In Their Eye

When I heard about this woman and her eyeball tattoo gone wrong, all I could think of was this really old post. I guess this woman is really into body modification, i.e. adding and subtracting things from her body just for fun. She’s even had her tongue surgically split. Yeesh! So she thought tattooing the …

I’ve Got A Trombone To Pick With You… This story, although kind of sad, makes me laugh. It’s definitely odd. It seems this fellow who just moved to a new apartment discovered that someone in his midst has a hate on for trombones. Sam and a lady friend had been living in Dixon. But this summer she got a job offer in …

Please Don’t Nuke Us, North Korea

I wanted to post this song when all the fire and fury stuff started, but then life got away from me. With North Korea doing more missile tests, Now is as good a time as any. Get your lyrics right here. I’m not dragging them over here, because they actually have links explaining context of …

I’m Afraid They Maytag Her As A Bad Parent

Whenever I think about this poor, poor kid, after I can let out my breath, all I can think of are two things. The washing machines in the apartment building are so deep that in order for me to reach the bottom, I have to almost climb in to get everything, so Steve helps me …

The Pain In My Brain Is Caused Mainly By The Cane

Meet another group of police officers who need to learn the difference between a white cane and a weapon. This happened last year in Winnipeg, but I finally got around to writing it down. It seems that Steven Stairs was walking from a bar to a payphone, and he had the misfortune of being in …