I Like The Blue Umbrella Idea, But…

A little while ago, I saw a tweet about a new program to create dementia-friendly communities. I thought this was an interesting idea, so went to read about it. I guess it’s part of this blue umbrella program that seems to be an initiative of the Alzheimer Society. The society provides training to businesses about …

Tansy Goes Back To Her Roots

This trip happened last summer, but I’m just writing about it now. Way to go, me! But it is one that needs to be written down as an important thing in the life of Shmans. Last July, I planned a trip to Tansy’s puppy raisers’ place. They had invited me down to spend some vacation …

Even Geniuses Create Monsters…

I know this is old, but in a sense, it’s really old, so it doesn’t matter. A long time ago, I came across an article about talking dolls invented by Thomas Edison. These things, although technological marvels for the time, could give you nightmares. Observe. Ok ok, you can take your hands off your ears …

My Thoughts On The Draft Canadian Service Dog Team Standards

Very happy edit: The standard has been withdrawn! I have said over and over that we need to deal with fake service dogs, mostly because those dogs don’t have the training to behave properly in public. They either make messes or attack others, making it hard for the real service dog teams to go about …