Here is the story of Juanita Rodenhiser , a very sweet, well-intentioned mom who’s trying to bring her daughter some happiness. Believe me, I completely understand that goal. But the thing is she has not heard the stories of the others who have preceded her into the “another postcard” category in which she now finds herself. …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
If Only He’d Owned A TV, He Would Have Known It Was Shop With A Cop Day
So it appears we have a brand new episode of shoplift with a cop. I still cannot believe this happens this much. I guess James Walsh was feeling brave. He had been out to this Walmart the day before and had successfully stolen a TV, so he thought he needed another one, a big one. …
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Merry Scary Christmas
Steve told me about these painful-sounding Victorian Christmas parlor games and after I stopped wincing and covering my face, I started to envision what would happen if somehow, someone of that era could visit current day us, sort of like those old Freedom 55 commercials. I can see it all now. “You folks are wimps! …
Christmas Musings
Here we are, December 23 and once again I’m wondering how the heck we got here. When I was little, I remember being told that as I get older, the years will go faster and faster. I thought that was a load of crap, after all, time is time, and how can it possibly go …
A Giant Shmans Update
Tans is pretty long overdue for an update, so off we go. Back in June, we had our follow-up, and for the first time, it wasn’t with Chuck. Because his coverage area is so huge, he’s started sending people to do follow-ups, unless I guess the person has a huge problem or he’s in the …
Knock It Off, You Clowns!
This one needs a soundtrack. Right now, it sure does suck to be a clown. I saw this article a long time ago, delving deep into the reasons why clowns scare us. I was going to just link to these kids all being scared of clowns, but hey, now we have a ton of people …
Don’t Get Sucked Into The Virtual Life
Damn it, I’ve been ruined. Every time I go to look at my Facebook or Twitter on my phone, strains of a certain song begin to play. It’s a parody of “Circle of Life” from the Lion King. I can’t make out all the lyrics, but I’m going to write out as many as …
Um, Are Ya Really Gonna Vote For This Guy?
I found this on my Facebook feed, and just had to share. Lyrics were transcribed in the Youtube comments, and I put them here because the captions I heard whizzing by left a lot to be desired. “no truck wants total access?” He’s super callous, fragile, egocentric, braggadocious Likes to throw big words around and …
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Rogers Centre Fan Assist: This Fan Thanks You For Your Assistance.
A few weeks ago, Steve and I went to another Blue Jays game, one of the last games of the season. That was a fun game to watch. But the reason I’m writing about it is because we learned about a service offered by the Rogers Centre that’s pretty cool, and I wish it was …
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An Update From The Land Of Brad And Trix
I’m so glad Brad did this update, complete with pictures. Now we can catch up on the life of Trix, which is still pretty good. Take it away, Brad. Rumour has it that it’s been quite some time since we last heard how good Ole Trixie is doing. Well my hound-loving blog readers, we’re about …