It’s Ontario-O-O’s New Song! What Do You Think?

When I first heard that the Ontario song was getting an update, I channeled my inner old person and cringed. What on earth were they going to do to it, and would I hate it for years to come? But I’m pleasantly surprised. I kind of like the feel of the new song. For reference, …

Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, Black Kids

I meant to put this up a long time ago. I saw this on Facebook, and I thought it was very powerful. It’s amazing how quickly Jane Elliott manages to break down the blue-eyed people. This was just a couple of hours of these kids’ lives. Imagine what people must feel like when they deal …

“Is Your Dog Friendly?” “Are You Friendly?”

I have often been asked if someone could pet my dog. I’ve never been asked if my dog could play with theirs, but I can imagine it happening. Even if I had, I would have never dreamed that if I said no, the response would consist of a volley of rocks fired at my dog. …

That’s So Inspiring!

Somebody posted this to, erm, Facebook, and I decided it needed a place up here. This comedian had the brilliant idea of walking up to average joes while they did average things and telling them they’re inspiring, in order to demonstrate why that annoys us so much. It reminds me of this Corner Gas episode, …

Little Boxes On My Facebook

I’ll freely admit I’m a chicken. I’ve wanted to post this song on my Facebook, but I’m afraid I’ll single-handedly insult everyone who calls themselves my friend. I shouldn’t be…but I am. So here, let me post this from the safety of the blog, even though probably a bunch of Facebook types read here, so …

Refrain, Immediate Poster!

This piece about grieving and social media was going around Facebook, so I read it, since I’m still learning a lot of Facebook do’s and don’ts. But what I found here felt like shockingly common sense. All it said was unless you’re the immediate family of a recently-deceased person, don’t post on social media about …