Hey Sparky, here’s a tip. The next time you’re building new buildings and renaming old ones, how about not giving three buildings on the same street the same person’s name? I’m serious. On this campus, we have a Macdonald Hall, which has been there for aeons, a Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, which has been there …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Cards Are Going to Hell!
I mean it. What is with all the mushy gushy bless you love you cards? I know they’re cards, but it seems like gone are the days when you had a variety of kinds of cards. For the poet who isn’t eloquent enough to write his own poem and sends email hug certificates and likes …
I’m Such a Slacker
I can’t believe I’m doing this. For no good reason, I’m skipping this class. I know that doesn’t seem monumental, but I rarely skip a class unless there’s a reason. But today, I’m just like ah screw it. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s cold and I don’t wanna freeze my ass off again. I …
Carin turns to mush
Well, here’s your dose of sap. I don’t know why, I just feel like I have to say this. Today I went to class like normal. I sat down, and instead of our usual crazy raging prof who sounds like he’s going to blow a gasket all the time, the chair of the Psych department …
People Are Cute
There isn’t much point to this story except that it cracked me up when it happened. I was walking to the bus. It’s raining, actually make that that it’s pouring. As I approach the stop where I usually wait, this woman runs at me. She can’t speak much English and all she keeps saying is, …
Explain This One to Me
Why is it that the people who need the most help get the screw? If you’re ill and go to see your doctor, although they may take a while to figure out what you’ve got, there’s a set of straightforward things they’ll do to figure it out, and if you have a good one, they …
Isn’t It Ironic?
No, I’m not talking about Alanis. This is actually something that is a real irony. I had the TV on the other day, and an ad came on for American Idol, and they always play a bit of the, um, do I dare call it theme music? Theme yes, music? I guess in the purest …
Leave It to My Brother
My brother is a big linux geek among other things. I went to his blog, and found something that made me laugh so hard that I had to post a link to it here. Leave it to him to find something like this. Apparently, in Microsoft’s knowledge base where you can read about why windows …
Whose Bright Idea Was That?
I was listening to the radio yesterday, and the song Weightless by See Spot Run came on. I thought to myself, “Cool song.” Then it went a little further, and I realized it wasn’t the real song, it was this horrible version they put out. Honestly it’s not much different than the other one. All …
Ok, Knock it Off!
So I’m sleeping, and I left the TV on. I wake up, and this is the first thing I hear. “More news on the Pope. We take you now to a press conference at the hospital.” A translator is feverishly spitting out the English equivalent to what some Italian guy is saying. What he’s apparently …