I never thought I’d make a blog post about food, but here we go. Last night I thought I’d try the Eastside Mario’s delivery thing. I felt like Mario’s, but couldn’t make it to the restaurant, so I thought what the hell I’ll give them a try. I was expecting your run of the mill …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Random Bitchfest
I don’t know. I just have a bunch of thoughts, and none of them feel long enough to make posts of their own, so I figured I’d throw them all together to make a bitch stew. So eat up. Ok, some of these were provoked by Steve’s post about the bank machine Braille and the …
That better?
So I decided to break the site again. A while ago, our good friend -666 said the google ads frame was kind of obscured by the blogger stuff at the top of the page. I decided to be brave and move it to a place that makes sense to me, but I’m blind so what …
I feel old!
Lately I’m being slapped in the face with how old I’m getting. I know it’s not seriously that old, but it’s scary. It’s the beginning. Other people who aren’t that much younger than me don’t remember certain things that I remember clearly. Like, remember those old books that came with the tapes and when you …
A Hug? Or a Strangle Hold?
I just got another one of these stupid emails. They’re all the same. “This is a hug certificate. Here’s a nice sappy poem that I didn’t write and isn’t really that great. Send this to your friends and send it back to me. If I don’t get it back, I know how you feel.” Why …
More English Pet Peeves
What the hell is with me having the urge to be so nitpicky right now? I don’t know. But here I go again. What is it with people forgetting the meaning of words and just using them any old way? Some people just seem to take words and throw them in a sentence as if …
Pet Peeves
There are certain little things in people’s writing that just annoy me. I don’t know why, I shouldn’t give a rat’s ass, but they just get under my skin, I guess the way people get bugged by other people’s eating habits, or the way people leave the toothpaste, etc. I just see them a lot …
Nothing to Wear
There’s been something that always bugs me. Why is it that lots of girls never want to wear a dressy outfit to more than one event? They’ll go out on a shopping quest, searching for the ultimate outfit. Once it has been located, like the holy grail, they’ll rave about it, wear it once and …
Who Said a Computer Couldn’t Sing Anyway?
Yep, time for some weird humour, and to prove that I am such a geek. I found this page full of mp3’s made by making speech synthesizers sing. Speech synthesizers are the things that make computers talk for us blind people. But someone who had way too much time on his hands figured out years …
Continue reading “Who Said a Computer Couldn’t Sing Anyway?”
Is this a Joke?
I saw the movie about Arnold running for governor in California, ya know, “See Arnold Run.” Well, I sorta had it on while I was doing other things. And I have to hope against hope that the producers were actually trying to make fun of him. The whole thing was just a little ridiculous. First …