Red Cross: I’m Seeing Red, and Getting Cross

I had something happen to me last week that I thought I should blog in case it happens to someone else. I guess I’d call it a reverse scam warning. Back when the whole Fort McMurray fires disaster happened, I texted “fires” to the red cross number advertised so I could donate. I didn’t really …

Thank you, Bingemans Waterpark

I wanted to write a post to say thanks to a local business. I do a lot of screeching and chewing, so it’s nice to be able to say something positive. That business is Bingemans. The folks at my awesome job had an employee and family picnic there. My first reaction was “Woooohooo! I’ve never …

Aww What An Adorable Wheelchair!

I saw this video, laughed, and then thought it made a great point. Now, doesn’t that look ridiculous? And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all those things happen, if not directly to me, then to someone else I know who has a service dog. It adds another dimension to the no petting the dog rule. …

The Tanser Bear Birthday Bash!

It’s almost Tansy’s birthday. The beast turns 5 on Tuesday. Can you believe it? I can’t, and I know it to be a fact. Since I have missed all the other anniversaries this year, it’s time to have a giant Shmans chatter fest. Goddamnit, her life needs to be documented too, even if it has …

Get The Dru, It’s Domino’s!

When I saw this video about Domino’s Pizza making a delivery robot, I had to wonder…did Steve’s friend Greg go to Australia? That has to be why they invented the thing. Story time. A long, long time ago, when Steve and I still lived in that building that had the big fire that night in …

Helping The Folks from Fort McMurray

Whenever I think about Fort McMurray, and the fire that raged through there and burned down lots of homes and buildings, I feel this huge emptiness in my chest and this feeling of overwhelming helplessness. How do you help a community that needs so much? Well, thankfully the good people at Maclean’s have gathered up …