Aww What An Adorable Wheelchair!

I saw this video, laughed, and then thought it made a great point. Now, doesn’t that look ridiculous? And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all those things happen, if not directly to me, then to someone else I know who has a service dog. It adds another dimension to the no petting the dog rule. …

The Tanser Bear Birthday Bash!

It’s almost Tansy’s birthday. The beast turns 5 on Tuesday. Can you believe it? I can’t, and I know it to be a fact. Since I have missed all the other anniversaries this year, it’s time to have a giant Shmans chatter fest. Goddamnit, her life needs to be documented too, even if it has …

Get The Dru, It’s Domino’s!

When I saw this video about Domino’s Pizza making a delivery robot, I had to wonder…did Steve’s friend Greg go to Australia? That has to be why they invented the thing. Story time. A long, long time ago, when Steve and I still lived in that building that had the big fire that night in …

Helping The Folks from Fort McMurray

Whenever I think about Fort McMurray, and the fire that raged through there and burned down lots of homes and buildings, I feel this huge emptiness in my chest and this feeling of overwhelming helplessness. How do you help a community that needs so much? Well, thankfully the good people at Maclean’s have gathered up …