Guest Posts are Here Again

Well, I got an email from our new-found commenter Jen saying she had something to say here. Since I always like it when there’s a new opinion to add to the mix, I figured I’d put it up here. So, without further adieu, here’s what she had to say. Arg I Hate Autimated ComputersWell as …

A Joke that Tells Itself

Just read this and think about it for a second. Aphasia Program – provides a follow-up to speech therapy for people who have Aphasia (communication difficulty) due to a stroke. Participants work at strengtheningcommunication skills through this goals-based program. To access the Aphasia Program call us. Somebody should really email these people. It might have …

Pick up the Phone. No, Don’t.

I think it’s time for another lesson in phone ettiquet. After last night, I think it’s good to have a little preventative medicine. Remember Steve’s first lesson? Well, here’s an adendum. There are certain times, after which, unless I’m expecting your call, please don’t do it. This is because I’m sleeping most likely. Ok, if …

It’s Kyle. What’s that?

I don’t think this strange name quite compares with people named little penis, oral sex, shit, or other Romanian varieties, but I saw someone who I believe has been cursed for life. I got an email. IT said: “Kyle will be handling donations. Please email her at…” I did a double take. Kyle? Her? Perhaps …