My fucking god. I am pissed. I am pissed. This is going to look like the spewings of a rabbid dog, if a dog could type that is, but I don’t fucking care. This is unbelievable. Let’s recap. Wednesday night I was happy. Happy happy happy. Tuesday was a beautiful day and nothing could bring …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Some People’s kids
I have to say that in general, today I’m pretty happy. I basically put an end to all the work for that class that I couldn’t stand. I have wanted to say that for a while, and the end is finally here! But I saw something today that, no matter how awesome my mood is …
I guess this is just random thoughts time. I need to be a little more alert before class, so I thought why not throw something up here. Hell I might get mad and then I’ll be awake. Or maybe I’ll type equally horribly as I did Tuesday. Today I was walking down the street and …
Could I speak to the man of the house please?
Arg. I just got called by a telemarketer. Man oh man. Part of me feels sorry for them because they must be so desperate for employment that they have to spend their days, evenings, nights, weekends, and all other hours they can selling vacuum cleaners, phone service, newspaper subscriptions, carpet-cleanings, cruises and whatever else telemarketers …
Continue reading “Could I speak to the man of the house please?”
Apparently I’m A Douche.
Apologies for the horrid typing in those last couple posts. Especially the snow one. Woopsy. That’s what happens when the computer you’re writing on threatens to crash and eat everything you’re working with, that, and the dude in charge of that section of the library keeps coming over, and sort of staring at what you’re …
The Amazing Family-Destroyer
The other day, I had the TV on for background noise while I was doing some school-related drudgery, and on came The Amazing Race. Usually I’d flip real quick because I can’t stand all these quote unquote reality shows. Reality? Ok whatever. But I was too damned lazy to change the channel, so I left …
Sure, boss.
I was watching TV the other day, and sometimes I wonder if advertisers think that the IQ of the average TV-watcher is at the same level as a turnip. I mean, they’d have to to produce some of the shit advertisements they do. Here’s one for ya. Chef Boyardee however ya spell it. *checks so …
I have been hoping, praying, wishing that I could make it through the semester and miraculously there would be no snow, and I was really starting to think my wish came true. But oh no. Life is not going to be so sweet to me. I heard my prof say that there was snow last …
What am I trying to tell myself?
I’m awake very early from a strange dream I had. Wow. What a strange dream. I dreamed that I was at a family dinner of some kind. Maybe Christmas. We were all eating and everything seemed fine. My one uncle who is into gore started talking about stories about accidental deaths that involved blades. We …
Why, Daddy?
I heard something on the bus that just made me sad. I don’t even know if I can make this make sense to anyone else but myself, but I’ll try. I heard a little kid, maybe 6 or 7 sitting with someone who sounded like he was only in university, but I wasn’t sure, but …