Everything sucks today the second.

Yep, I’m an unoriginal copycat. So sue me. Well things don’t suck nearly as much in my life as they seem to in Steve’s, but I’m in a rather suckalicious mood, and I have a bit of time to spare, so here we go. Everything sucks for me cause I’m stuck at the school library …

How can we gouge you today?

I swear things don’t make any sense any more. Here are two places where I just stand back and go, “huh?” First off is university fees. Yeah you guys know my feelings about the infamous print card. Did I mention in there the infamous graduation application fee? *Checks old rant*. Nope. Phew. I’m not recycling …

Too politically correct? Na! Never!

Ok, today I saw something that made me just go, “Huh?” I was surfing around and I was looking at a site for one of the guide dog schools, and I saw a link that said, career change dogs. That was just one of those statements that makes your head spin and if you don’t …