Saying Goodbye To Another Cousin

Have you ever wanted to write something down, but whenever you try, nothing will move from head to paper? It’s not because the subject doesn’t interest you, or it is technically complicated or tedious. It’s just that you want to express something and you can’t find the words. This is one of those posts. Back …

Screaming TV’s And Radios: It’s Not Just For Weather Alerts Anymore

Last Sunday night, we were watching TV like any other night. I should note that the weather outside was completely calm and anything but frightful. Then, all of a sudden, the sound that I thought was strictly reserved for weather events went off. Sorry I had to use a shitty Youtube video that was taken …

Screen-Readers Can Read Captions? This Is A Thing?

So how long have I been under a rock? Please tell me it hasn’t been long. For as far as I can remember, I was sure you couldn’t read the captions that appear on Youtube videos, or any videos for that matter. I figured they were either images burned in, or they just moved too …

Author Of To Kill A Mockingbird Dies

I know this happened last week, but I still wanted to mention it. Hey, at least it was only last week, not last month, or months ago. So Harper Lee, author of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, has died. I think everyone should read that book. I can’t remember all the smaller points of the plot, …

Have A Look At Dictation Bridge

I’ve been hearing about a funding project for something called Dictation Bridge, which is supposed to make it so people using NVDA or whatever screen-reader can hear what they’re typing when using dictation software like Dragon. I thought it was a cool idea, and meant to send them some dough. Then they made a promo …

The Yukon Government Has Been Getting Enough D, If D is for Duh

Damn you, Yukon government. I had to pick up Vitamin D today, and I couldn’t do it with a straight face, and it’s all your fault. Yup, your fault. I think I managed to suppress the giggles long enough for the person helping me find it to not wonder what was so funny about Vitamin …

Cross Over A Roundabout Without Crossing Over To The Great Beyond

When I first read about pedestrian crossovers being installed at all roundabouts in town, I got kind of excited. You already know how I feel about roundabouts, so I thought these would make it easier. But I think I need more information. First, how will they be marked? Will it be done consistantly? Second, if …