Next Time You’re Struggling Through The LRT Construction, Just Sing This.

Jen sent this to me via Facebook. I was in another town in a hotel, and I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed. I didn’t stop laughing, because it’s so true for us here in KW with this LRT construction. I tell myself that it’ll be awesome when it’s done…but…until then, sing it, my …

The Long Mystery of the Ontario.Ca/Healthcareoptions commercial has been solved.

For a long time, this cute little commercial would come on TV telling people where they could go for various health care needs. It certainly caught my attention, and I thought, “who could possibly think of turning something as boring as health care options into a musical? but they’re smart.” But there was one line …

I’ve Had My First Pretty Unpleasant Uber experience now.

So yesterday I had my first refusal by an Uber driver. I had a cart full of groceries and the fellow just kept saying no dog in car, and even tried once to tell me to put the dog in the trunk. Nope, no dog in trunk. He actually got quite hostile, and told me …

A Tragic Loss for Guide Dogs for the Blind

I got some pretty sad news yesterday. I never have met this man, but I know he’s been involved in the GDB family for years. I have written about the puppy truck before, when it had its accident and when they built a new one. Basically the puppy truck drives around dropping off puppies to …

Loving This Story About Loving Lani

Someone shared this sweet post about someone’s guide dog whose career ended way too soon, and it gave me a little scare. LaniJo, that crazy dog, sounds a lot like the Shmans, who is snoring here beside me. I would have to ask Steve, does she sound a little crazier than Shmans, even? But the …