A Confusing But Funny Breakdown Of The Syrian Crisis

I saw this hilariously, erm, simplified? version of the Syrian conflict on Facebook and couldn’t stop chuckling. President Assad (who is bad) is a nasty guy who got so nasty his people rebelled and the rebels (who are good) started winning. But then some of the rebels turned a bit nasty and are now called …

Some Helpful Tips From A Deafblind Person

I saw this article called ten things deafblind people want you to know and most of them are things we’ve talked about in the good old blind guy user manual, like don’t grab our dogs/canes, stop moving stuff around, and don’t patronize us or say we’re inspiring if we’re just existing, stuff like that. But …

Let Me Introduce You To The Captain!

I’m just going to tell you right now, that throughout this post, I’m going to sprinkle songs, starting with this one. It’s time to name Captain Nameless Illness, and no his name’s not Kidd, but that was the first song with a captain’s name I could think of. It has taken me a long time …

Thanks from Tansy to Trixie

One thing I neglected to talk about in the latest holiday wrap-up was the fact that Tansy inherited a couple of gifts I gave to Trix that she didn’t care for. She got the neat-looking squeaky duck, andthe much-sought-after Skineeez raccoon that Tans stole from Trix over and over again. Today was kind of a …

Goodbye 2015, You Mixed Bag Of Wackiness!

So yeah. There’s only 2 whole days left in this whirlwind of a year that is 2015. How in the sweet merciful hell did that happen? I feel like I’ve been running on what I thought was a treadmill, but now I realize that it was one of those moving sidewalks in the airport and …

Trixie’s Terrifying-Sounding Nail Disorder

There is one Trixie-related topic that I didn’t throw in the avalanche of stuff in the last post. Years ago when I still had Trix, when I changed vets to the one she liked, the vet noticed that her nails were weird and would split easily. One time when she was cutting her nails, she …

Robert Pearson, Gone Too Soon

Edit: Here’s his obituary. Search for his name…that’s the easiest way to find it. I have to say this because I can’t stop spluttering about it. I looked at my email, and saw one sent to a list I’m on and it was simply entitled “Robert Pearson.” I was going to gloss over it, but …