So I’ve Tried Uber. Here Are My Thoughts

A while ago, Steve welcomed Uber to KW. I’ve been trying Uber out, and I have to say that for the most part, the experience has been pretty awesome. I should be clear. When I could manage to get an Uber ride, the experience was awesome. Aside, grammar people…is it a Uber or an Uber? …

Abandoned In A Ditchbot

Remember last year when I wrote about Hitchbot? For a while, Hitchbot did really well, going all the way across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, and I was impressed. Maybe we humans aren’t such assholes. … Then it went to the states, and…someone ended its journey rather violently. Someone ripped off its arms and removed …

Another Post About Touchy Feely People, Only Written Much Better

A while ago, in the comments under another post, I lamented that when I try to write a serious post about something that is bugging me, it always comes out long, whiny, convoluted and repetitious. Here is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Here’s my post, and here’s a much more succinct and …

I Know Where I’d Stick This Dash Button…

Oh boy, I get to put on my old lady hat and rail against more technology. You’d never know I love the stuff. Remember when I screamed about the hybrid computer/TV/fridge? Well apparently I had no idea what was coming, none at all. This becomes obvious when I made fun of text messages. I am …

Robobraille: OCR In A Pinch

I don’t know why I’ve never written about this service, but better late than never. More often than I’d like, I get a document that’s either unreadable because it’s a scanned image, semi-readable or readable if you have a million years and infinite patience. Usually, if I can put it through OCR, it can fix …

Creamy Chocolate Kill?

I figure I’ll write about Timmy’s since it’s Canada Day. It seems appropriate. A little while ago, Tim Horton’s came out with…something…called the Creamy Chocolate Chill. Wow, something is wrong with me…I’m blogging about some random food product. But there are two reasons I want to, so bear with me. When I first heard about …

It’s Canada Day. How’d We Get Here?

Soundtrack time. Yup, it’s Canada Day. Where is this year going? I hope people are finding fun things to do somewhere, just enjoying the day off. I’m probably going to be spending some time outside if the weather decides to be good. I’m just glad to be doing what I want to do. Not a …