Here’s yet another protest song. So, if you agree, please, please, pleasepleaseplease, please, please please please please get out and vote tomorrow! Don’t make her write any more verses. Did I say please enough? Did I? Even if you don’t agree, get out and vote. And…to whoever wrote this, say what you really think! Don’t …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Guide Dog Guide
I wasn’t going to post this, but it won’t leave my head, so up it goes. I guess it was a part of a fund-raising effort in Australia…at least I’m assuming it’s in Australia. Some folks wrote a song about guide dogs being canine superheroes and put it up on iTunes and Amazon and such. …
So I’ve Tried Uber. Here Are My Thoughts
A while ago, Steve welcomed Uber to KW. I’ve been trying Uber out, and I have to say that for the most part, the experience has been pretty awesome. I should be clear. When I could manage to get an Uber ride, the experience was awesome. Aside, grammar people…is it a Uber or an Uber? …
Abandoned In A Ditchbot
Remember last year when I wrote about Hitchbot? For a while, Hitchbot did really well, going all the way across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, and I was impressed. Maybe we humans aren’t such assholes. … Then it went to the states, and…someone ended its journey rather violently. Someone ripped off its arms and removed …
Another Post About Touchy Feely People, Only Written Much Better
A while ago, in the comments under another post, I lamented that when I try to write a serious post about something that is bugging me, it always comes out long, whiny, convoluted and repetitious. Here is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Here’s my post, and here’s a much more succinct and …
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I Know Where I’d Stick This Dash Button…
Oh boy, I get to put on my old lady hat and rail against more technology. You’d never know I love the stuff. Remember when I screamed about the hybrid computer/TV/fridge? Well apparently I had no idea what was coming, none at all. This becomes obvious when I made fun of text messages. I am …
Jibo: Creepo?
soundtrack time. How I missed putting this in on the post’s first construction, I don’t know. I’ve been meaning to write about this since I saw it, but thankfully I only saw it a couple of months ago, not like some of the things I haven’t managed to write about. One day, someone tweeted that …
That Costly Trip To Costco
For some reason, this is a hard post for me to write…but here goes. Last July, a story broke about a woman’s car slamming into a London Costco, killing a 6-year-old girl and her newborn sister, and injuring their mother and other sister. Charges were laid against Ruth Berger, the driver of the car, and …
Another Carnival Is Live
Well, it looks like the carnival is up. There are some interesting entries. I think it’s fascinating that a lot of us said the same thing, that we consider a lot of our mistakes just that, mistakes, or lessons, but not regrets. Go check it out when you’re not enjoying Canada Day stuff.
Robobraille: OCR In A Pinch
I don’t know why I’ve never written about this service, but better late than never. More often than I’d like, I get a document that’s either unreadable because it’s a scanned image, semi-readable or readable if you have a million years and infinite patience. Usually, if I can put it through OCR, it can fix …