From Dream Home To Nightmare

Steve said he got this from Michelle, but it looked like one I’d want to post. After getting rid of all the shivers, I agreed. This Kathy Rowe woman is like the worst combination of Philip Conran and Jennifer Petkov. It all started when a young couple outbid her on a home she really really …

Talk About A Behavioural Interview

Oops. Let’s hope this never happens to me. Guy is on the train in London. Someone’s in his way. He pushes and shoves him and tells him to go screw himself. He discovers he just swore at his interviewer. for whatever reason, he didn’t get the job. If that were me, and I figured out …

Great Gobs Of Tansy Updates, Part III

Here is my last batch of Tansy observations, these are things I noticed she learned while I was dealing with the captain. Here was a sad pattern that I noticed Tansy would pick up on. Before I was ill, as soon as I would finish brushing my teeth, she would go nuts. This was because …

Great Gobs Of Tansy Updates, Part II

I still have a mountain of Tansy-related ideas. Let’s keep truckin’. In another post, I said I wanted to train Tansy to come to a whistle. Well, a week later, I got to see how I was doing. And wow, it was powerful. I would blow that whistle, and Tansy would move heaven and earth …

Great Gobs of Tansy Updates, Part I

I’m terribly behind on Tansy updates. It’s bad. How can I go for 6 months without writing a Tansy post? Oh, well, I did have the captain chasing me around for 4 of those months. Well, I guess it’s time to catch up now. This might take a couple of posts. Tansy has inherited some …

The Hounds On The Bus Say “That’s My Stop,” All Around The Town.

I saw this story of a dog who rides the bus to the dog park alone, and I smiled, even though I had lots of questions, which have been answered. None of them, by the way are how does she know where to get off? Both Tansy and Trix would indicate when we had arrived …

Now His Friends Can Call Him A Heartless Individual And They’re Not Wrong

Have another soundtrack. I could groove to this forever. Wow, what we can do with technology, like cram a life-saving compressor into a backpack. This guy has no human heart, just an artificial heart and tubes in his chest leading to a compressor on his back. When I first read this, I thought they …