Be My Eyes: More Eyeballs In A Box

Inexplicable soundtrack. Whenever I think about this service, this song appears. So hey, why not? So there’s a new iPhone app that’s just out and seems pretty cool. They should have called it Echosensible…because it’s EchoSense without all the bullshit. It’s called Be My Eyes. Every time I hear the name, I chuckle. Years ago, …

2014: Goodbye And Good Riddance

It’s mid January, and I feel like I have to write the usual holiday wrap-up/year in review post. I feel like this will be the shortest one ever because both the holidays, and the year, feel like they have been snatched and tainted. Getting to my family’s Christmas was coloured with a bit of Carin-style …

As We Start A New Year, Let’s Look At Something Really Old.

So, Happy New Year and stuff. I really hope 2015 is better. Unfortunately, 2014 couldn’t leave without giving us one last vigourous kick in the gut before it signed off. I’ll let Steve talk more about that, since, out of the two of us, he was the one who got most violently smacked about by …

Why Does Jit Go Ham In The Dollar Store?

This is just messed up. Apparently, this little kid totally ripped up a dollar store and nobody stopped him. I don’t know what’s funnier, the idea of a kid going apeshit in a dollar store and no one stopping him, or the…um…commentary? Of the narrator. Wonder what that kid will end up like when he …

Voices Carry: An Alternative To The Bill Cosby Performance

If there’s anyone out there looking at their Bill Cosby Centre In The Square ticket and thinking of it as more of an, well, ill Cosby ticket, and would rather do something else with their evening, here’s an idea of an alternative event. It looks like it was organized by a group of volunteers, and …

Spread The Word, Don’t Spread Your Legs

Apparently there’s a phenomenon called man-spreading, and no, contrary to my first thought, it is not the business in which you can find Gou Wen. I guess there’s this trend of dudes sitting on buses with their legs spread apart at a 90-degree angle, showing off their crotches for all to see, and also taking …

It’s The 12th Day Of Christmas, And My True Love’s Mad At Me…

Here’s another episode of I love Twitter. Here’s a bit about what would happen if someone received all the gifts from the 12 days of Christmas. It sort of reminds me of this old post about shoveling snow. I don’t know why, but the second time I listened to this, his crying at the end …