This Jian Ghomeshi Thing Has Been Bothering Me A Lot, And I Think I Know Why.

When this whole Jian Ghomeshi thing broke, I said to a friend, no matter how this shakes out, it’s not gonna end well for somebody.” Um, that would be a yup. Now I find that it won’t leave me alone, and it’s moved beyond anything rational, so I hope that maybe, if I write about …

Got Any Good Record-Keeping App Recommendations?

I guess I’ll start with something easy…I want to write something else, but I’m afraid it will steal every last ounce of energy Captain Nameless Illness has generously left me. So, whatever this illness is, it’s unpredictable and mysterious and we still don’t know what it is. So I’ve been keeping logs of as many …

PSW Does Not Stand For Pole Saves Woman

Because apparently I can’t seem to get away from creepy stories…here’s one for you that makes me want to punch things, starting with the rather absent support worker. A woman with an intellectual disability got on a Winnipeg bus with a support worker. The worker sat a few rows away, put on her headphones and …

Help Tim Raise Some Funds So He Can Raise up Some Heavy Things In Korea Next May!

I was just scrolling through Twitter, and I saw a tweet that says “Help Tim get to Korea.” It was retweeted by Blind Sports, so I thought maybe it’s our buddy Tim… … And it was! Tim has definitely starred in a few New Years party stories along the way. He’s a good guy and …

Opinions Needed On A Christmas Present

So…I need some guidance from folks with functioning eyeballs, or maybe someone who has owned one of these before. I asked Twitter, but nobody responded. I don’t know if it was because the tweet got lost in the shuffle or the image was so ugly that no one dared tell me so, but there it …

This Might Get Jian Gho-Messy…

Um, what a day yesterday. I’m scrolling through tweets…and…huh? Jian Ghomeshi? Fired? Huh? Suing the CBC? Huh? Where in the world did that come from? He was just taking some time off for personal reasons. And then Jian Ghomeshi put up his own statement saying why he thinks it happened, and…then things got interesting for …

No, This Isn’t A Scene From A Movie

Here’s a video describing the final exchange of fire between the ottawa shooter and the Sergeant-at-Arms. So I guess this is why there were pictures going around on Twitter saying “Don’t mess with the Sergeant-at-Arms.” Yeah I’ll say. Holy crap! He’s some kind of gun ninja! I feel sorry for the librarian…that must have been …

Everybody Get Your First-Aid Certifications

I saw this story detailing the efforts of people trying to save the fallen soldier at the war memorial, and it was very powerful, not only for the obvious reasons, that these people ran into danger to try to help. But it also drove home the point that everybody who was trying to help him …