Everybody Get Your First-Aid Certifications

I saw this story detailing the efforts of people trying to save the fallen soldier at the war memorial, and it was very powerful, not only for the obvious reasons, that these people ran into danger to try to help. But it also drove home the point that everybody who was trying to help him …

We’ve Voted In Our First Municipal Election Since Moving Here

Well, Steve and I set off yesterday to vote in the municipal election, and I’d say this one was one of the easiest experiences yet. We decided to go to City Hall, mostly because I pretty much knew where that was. A couple of questions to people randomly standing around, and in we went. We …

Don’t Annoy Your Nurses. It Might Kill You.

I’m glad Daniela Poggiali wasn’t on staff at the hospital where I was. I’m sure there were times when I would have annoyed even the most tolerant of nurses. Here are some creepy lines from the story. Cops arrested a nurse in northeastern Italy in connection with the deaths of as many as 38 patients, …

Accessible Voting In The Waterloo Region: Here Are All Your Options…I Think…

I usually don’t wait until the day before advanced polling starts to put up a link to accessible stuff around the region, but a. Captain Nameless Illness is making me work really slow, and b. We’re still figuring out this huuuge city, so didn’t have much of a clue. So, it took longer to make …

Goodbye, Fred Gissoni, The Fred of Fred’s Head.

I saw this 2 weeks ago, but didn’t have the ability to write it up. This. A short goodbye post to someone. Yes, blame Captain Nameless Illness. I think most blind people know of the “Fred’s Head” website. If you don’t, google something blindness and technology-related, and you’ll likely find it. It had everything about …

This Will Blast Away Your Happiness

Nothing like a little depressing reading to get me started blogging. So I was looking at Twitter, loo dee dum dee doo dee hum dee…what’s this? SEVEN THINGS YOU LEARN SURVIVING AN ATOMIC BLAST… Whaaat? And I have read some depressing cracked articles. this one, or this one, or this one, even this one, but …

Some Common Blindness-Related Issues Made It To Cracked!

This was circulating wildly around Twitter between blind folks. Although I’ve never been accused of faking my blindness, I know that can be a thing. I don’t think Braille is totally awful, but I’m glad they brought up the point that it’s uber bulky and just because you’ve gone blind doesn’t mean you magically know …

Coming Up Next, A Big Story About 50.50.Bean!

This made me laugh really hard. I guess, on some of India’s news channels, they have casual staff serving as news anchors. The other day, Xi Jimping, China’s president, finished up a big visit to India. But, as one unfortunate casual news anchor found out, the president’s name is not the Roman numeral 11. What …