Careful With That Flask, Eugene!

We haven’t talked about people leaving their kids unbuckled, but strapping in their beer for a while. I guess we’re due. Robert Eugene Mobley put a bottle of whiskey in the car-seat, put his two-year-old kid in the front seat beside him, and didn’t even bother to buckle him in. Mobley was already quite wabbly, …

Let’s Go To The Interview Room

I saw this story a while back, and I actually squirmed and squished my legs together. Uuug. What’s with people feeling up people on planes? All I know is Pratik Doshi is one creepy man. I don’t think I could make that up if I tried. And has he done that before? And did it …

It’s Me! Anybody Here?

So…I’m sure you’re wondering where the heck we’ve been, and why, when we come back to life, we’re spewing out stories about aptly named dumbasses and…gross individuals. Were we gone for an awesome vacation? Were we in a coma and don’t even realize we’ve missed almost a month? Well, if all else fails you can …

Killer Robots: It’s Not Just In Science Fiction Anymore!

Serious as this article is, every time I see it, this song enters my head and won’t leave. I guess there’s a robotics company in KW that makes unmanned robots, and some of their buyers are the military and space agencies. They have decided that they do not want to be responsible for making killer …

It Looks Like Hitchbot Made It

Remember when I wrote about Hitchbot? Remember how I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it? It looks like he made it! I saw pictures that said he was there, followed by tweets that said he wasn’t quite there yet. But at any rate, if he’s not there, he’s super close! I have to …

Another Quick List of Tips For Being A Better Human Being With People With Disabilities

I also saw this on Friday, and decided to put it up too. We’ve probably said all of this in one spot or another, but I don’t care. The more eyes who see this, the better. Here’s an awesome article called How To Talk To A Person With Disabilities Without Sounding Like An A-Hole, and …

Kids React To Even More Stuff

Apparently I’m behind on my kids reacting to stuff. Here are kids reacting to old computers, like maybe my old apple? and Game Boys. Kids really have a problem with having to put media in side devices. Walkman? computer? typewriter? game boy? It’s really weird to think about how that’s changed. I never thought about …