That last Tansy post was huuuge. This one has a bunch of stuff, but won’t be quite as massive. Back years ago, I wanted to find Babs’s old whistle to use as a recall aid. Well, I found it this year, and was starting to use it with Tansy. All I was doing was associating …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Epic Tansy Update Part 1
Oh my, it’s been a while since I’ve done a straight up Tansy update. It’s almost daunting to look at the list of things I’ve written down..and some of them may not even be important anymore. I’ll try and cobble something together. I feel bad for the Tanseroo, I haven’t been as good at documenting …
Service Dog Teams and Ambulances
I got this on a mailing list. It’s a video for paramedics about helping service dog teams when an ambulance is called, and I thought it was kinda neat. I learned a few things too, like I didn’t even know about those open grating things and how they can cut paws. Tansy was one lucky …
What’s The Sense Of EchoSense?
I heard about this about a week and a half ago, and meant to blog about it that weekend. That didn’t happen. All I knew about it when I saw it on Twitter was it was some kind of revolutionary device for the blind, going to increase our independence. It was being madly retweeted over …
KNFB Reader For iPhone Is A Thing
Remember back when the makers of the KNFB Reader said it would not work on an iPhone? Well, they’ve gone and done it. Here, have your iBalls. Well, they didn’t call it iBalls, but ya know. I wondered what it would cost, since the price of the app for the Nokia phones was nearly a …
Lost Dogs In Dreamland
A while back, I had another nightmare about losing Trixie. Brad’s had her for over a year and a half and I still dream about losing her. In this one, Brad was gone away somewhere for a few days, and Steve and I said we’d take care of Trix. We took her with us to …
Ambiguous Case Indeed!
First, have a song. Sherman Downey And The Ambiguous Case- Annalee On the first few listens, I thought “gee what a groovy little song.” I would catch myself with the song in my head. Eventually I caught myself merrily singing the chorus. “If you see Anaalee, tell her I said hello. Tell her I made …
Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You
Oh dear. Oh my. I spent 25 minutes of my Canada Day listening to *this!* And those minutes are sooo not comin’ back. Apparently, these are actual samples of actual…music? Yeah, ok…sent in to record labels by actual people who thought they had an actual chance. Actually no. When the first one starts, I thought …
Not A Good Brand Of Parenting
Wow. Another parent of the year. I don’t have a lot to say, because there isn’t anything I could add, except, oh yeah, this one’s in Florida, too. This one, Kayla R. Oxenham, decided she had to brand her kids to mark them as her own. Yup, that’s what they say she said. She heated …
Technology Hitchin’ A Ride
I saw something about this while looking at Twitter. The first time I saw it, it just sort of made me raise my eyebrows. Then I saw it again, and I gave it some more thought. So here’s the story, as much as I understand it. Some researchers in Toronto have built a hitchhiking robot. …