Another Little Guy Wants Birthday Cards…Here We Go Again

I was just thinking about how our Another Postcard tag hadn’t had a workout in a while, and I was hoping people had learned and weren’t doing this anymore. nope. I have been yelled at in the comments for saying this whole asking for cards thing is a bad idea. I have been told to …

I Think I’m Gonna Bother You

I forgot to write about this in the post about my brother’s wedding. Oh well, I felt this thing neded its own post anyway. Warning! I’m probably about to sound like a very old woman. When the dancing started, all the songs were pretty good. After their first dance, they played the song that was …

He Was AS Happy As A Kid In A Vending Machine!

When your kid goes missing, usually they find him in a cupboard, or under the stairs, or maybe hiding behind a shed. Perhaps he’s hanging out in the neighbour’s yard. But who would think that the kid could have gotten inside an arcade claw machine at a bowling alley? But this one did. Somehow, he …

Another Sibling Officially Married Off

I should write about this before it gets too crazy late. My brother got married a couple of weeks ago. Well, this was the big affair that they had been planning out anyway. They technically got married in City Hall back in 2012, but since you can’t invite everybody you’d want at your wedding to …

Let’s Play A Game Of Hide And…What Happens Next?

This came up in “This is true” almost a month ago. Pia Farrenkopf, or at least they think it’s Pia Farrenkopf, was found mummified in the back of her car in her garage. Tests seem to indicate she died in 2008. Authorities aren’t saying it’s her for sure until they get conclusive evidence like dental …

People Stole Gas Cards out of GDB vehicles

I saw this 2 weeks ago, and meant to post about it…but my brother was getting married, so I didn’t have time. Back in December/January, 3 people broke into GDB vehicles and stole gas cards. They used them and stole about $4800. It’s bad enough to steal from anybody, but to steal from a guide …

What Happens To A Guide Dog When It Retires?

I needed this article when I was retiring Trix. If you’re in the middle of retiring a guide dog, and get someone who asks you a million questions about when does a guide dog retire, and where do they go when they retire, etc. instead of explaining until you’re blue in the face, just send …

Late Happy Birthday Trix Wishes

So…as seems to be the thing lately, I’m late with marking some important Trixie dates. A week ago Wednesday, she turned 9, and this Tuesday that just passed was the day she came home with me…while I wore that big ol’ knee brace. That was 7 years ago. Woe. So, I’m going to do my …