Tans’s Dog Day Anniversary Was Yesterday

I don’t have much time to write this, but I figured I would try. Yesterday marks the anniversary of when I got Tansy. Can anyone else believe that’s possible? The only way I know for sure is that dates don’t lie. She came into my room in her maniacal fashion, and I pretty much fell …

Tansy Observations, The Winter Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve written Tansy updates, so here’s a bunch. As I was combing the blog to make sure I hadn’t already written some of these things, I laughed at the following passage: “So Tansy’s first winter has arrived, and we’ve had a few challenges, but nothing like what Trix and I …

Kitchener, The Touchy Feely City

I have mentioned several times that the people in Kitchener have been super friendly and super helpful. But sometimes, my good lord, they can be a little too friendly. Here’s an example. I’ll be standing at the bus stop. The bus will arrive. But people are getting on and off, so I’m being caughtious. People …

Oh MiO My Oh Eeewwww

Now that I’ve written about the Enzyte hotel, I figured I’d write about another commercial, or couple of them, that I’ve meant to write about for months. Out of the blue, these commercials appeared for this Mio stuff. From the audio, I had no friggin idea what this stuff was, but it didn’t sound good. …

Now I Want A Beavertail!

We need to fix something. Steve’s never had a beavertail! … At which point tons of people think I’m actually talking about eating a beaver’s tail. No no no. There are these fried pastry things that look like a beaver’s tail. Since I grew up near Ottawa, our family would go to Ottawa a lot, …

The Enzyte Hotel?

Steve mentioned Trivago the other day, which reminded me that I wanted to write something about Trivago, have been meaning to for a while. When I first heard a Trivago commercial, I wasn’t paying attention. I heard its whistling song, and then a reference to finding a hotel. My first thought was complete shock. In …