So…spookily, when I wrote that post last night, I didn’t know this, but I wrote it 3 hours from when my stepgrandpa passed away. I got the call this morning. I guess he went peacefully at 11 or so last night. My mom and dad could get there, so that was good. He’s my stepgrandpa, …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Carnival Post: A Rare And Unique Opportunity
I haven’t participated in the assistance dog blog carnival in…ohmygod…2 years? ish? But L-Squared caught my attention, just in the nick of time. When I looked at the theme, I thought something I was thinking of writing anyway would fit happily into that theme, so here goes. Wow, I made it into the carnival! Who …
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The Punching Game Makes me want to Punch things
I’m writing this from the bus. I’m headed home to my folks so I can at least see my sick step-grandpa I was talking about. I expect I’ll be exhausted but it’ll be worth it. So anyway, I was looking around on Twitter because…well…what else can you do when you’re just riding a bus? I …
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New Favourite Treats of Trix and Tans
I thought I’d mention a couple of things that really make Tansy leap for joy. The first is anything that comes from a website called They sell all kinds of natural dog treats, but the thing that makes her go most nuts of all are things called Bullwrinkles! Brad got Trix interested in them, …
Scary Dog Nicknames
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend I’ve started with at least Trixie and Tansy. I don’t think I had Babs long enough for her to be part of it. I have given them nicknames that are, or sound close to, nasty diseases! One day, Trixie was being extra sniffy. We were on a bus and she …
See Ya, 2013
Here, have a trippy soundtrack. So it’s New Year’s Eve. In a few short hours, this year will be completely in the bag. I had to write 2014 on a cheque today…man that was weird. I hope next year brings all kinds of awesomeness, health and happiness to everybody. I’m not sure 2014 is starting …
Tansy’s First Christmas and Other Things
So…we made it through Christmas. Today was a day of *flop*. I don’t know why this Christmas was so exhausting, but wow. I must be getting old. I’m posting these pictures of Tansy with Santa for two reasons: first, so they can be up for all to see, and second, pleasepleaseplease tell me I fixed …
So um, guys? Where did 2013 go? Who ate it? It feels like we’re just getting warmed up, but here we are, getting ready for Christmas. Exactly how did that happen? I started writing this yesterday when we were in the middle of one hell of an ice storm, in which the cops are telling …
So There’s A New Diet Chip…Mmm…Chips…
I heard about the possibility of a computer chip to help people diet, and even though I can see what they’re going for, the part of me that’s studied psychology and watched Sci Fi movies gets a wee smidge freaked out. So this chip is supposed to send a signal, based on your blood fat …
Abraham Nemeth-Life=So Long
I meant to write about this back when it happened in October, but did I? Nope. I read that Dr. Abraham Nemeth, inventor of the Nemeth Code, had dide. My first thought was “Nemeth Code is that recent?” Braille feels so old, even though in the grand scheme of things it’s not, that I assumed …