Tansy Updates, Great And Small, Part V

Is anybody bored yet? *hopes not* I’ve amassed an insane pile of observations, but maybe this stuff is only fun for me. About that, it seems with Tansy, I have this need to try and capture everything. I have tried to record her labby loops around the living room. I have tried to observe everything …

Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part IV

So it’s morning. Time to get more Tansy stuff up. I have had so many firsts go by already. Tansy had her 2nd birthday back on May 31, and I didn’t blog a word. Shame on me. I think that must have been quite the birthday, we had a long day of work, followed up …

Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part III

This list looks endless. Must…conquer…pile. How about some of her smaller quirks. God Tansy loves her kisses…sometimes to extremes. Steve jokes that he’s a big salt lick. Plus, sometimes when she gets going, it feels like she has a cat’s tongue. It gets all rough and sandpaper feeling. Sometimes it slaps her lips as it …

Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part II.

Geesh I’m tired after writing that first giant post. But if I stop, I’ll never get started again. Really need to write these when they’re more manageable. I notice how much I learned from Trixter, and to some extent Babs. The way I react to the curveballs Tansy throws me sort of reminds me of …

Tansy Updates, Great And Small, Part I

Um, hello there. It’s September. I haven’t written in a long time and it’s getting so all the beginnings of my posts look the same. But I’ve been compiling a lot of notes, to the point that even looking at the notes file makes me want to run away. Let’s start with the easy stuff, …

If The Dog Could Talk, What A Tale He’d Tell, About The Cars, And The Stairs, And The Holes As Well

I saw this article about an electronic harness that a service dog can wear that they can use to communicate with us, and thought so many things. My first thought, after reading only the title, was “if they could pull this off, that would be freakin cool! How would this work?” Then I thought about …

And The Fallout Continues From All The GDB Layoffs.

Wow. This is a pretty messed up order, but I figured this one I could do quickly. So, you know how a bunch of employees suddenly got laid off from GDB? Well, a few of them are suing. Yup, suing GDB. It seems like for the last little bit, the work environment hasn’t been the …

Trixie and Tansy Meet, And We Get Video

Hi. It’s me. You know, the one who never writes anymore? I have a metric boatload of ideas for posts. Who knows how many I’ll get through…but here goes. I’d said a while back that Trixie and Tansy had met, and the meeting wasn’t the most wonderful. Well, they’ve since had 2 more meetings, and …

Changes AT GDB: My Thoughts

I haven’t written about this…frankly because I didn’t feel like I had enough brain cells left at the end of the day or the weekend to truly get my thoughts down. I still don’t feel very eloquent whenever I think about this, but I have to write something down. While I was in class, GDB, …