The Kitchener Public Library’s Research Initiation Test: Locate Our Hours and Branch Locations!

Update: all I have to say is, buh? This afternoon, a whole navbar loaded that didn’t load this morning. I know the first link I saw after the title was “home”, which is below the big ol’ navbar that loaded, complete with hours. I still say it needs a place in the quick access dropdown, …

Interesting Premise: The User Is Drunk

A colleague found this at work and sent it to a bunch of us. After laughing, I thought it was great. Not all of it applies to accessibility, i.e. Facebook chat is awesome? I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s that rockin’ for people who don’t use the computer in the conventional way. But …

Tansy Updates, The First Installment

I haven’t written in a while, and I’ve amassed a holy hell pile of post ideas. Seriously, I’ll be busy for a while. So, let’s start with the stuff people are probably drooling for the most, Tansy updates. The short version is Tansy is doing amazing. In fact sometimes it blows my mind. I have …

New Guide Dog Journals: My Meeting With Tansy Recorded, Complete With Blemishes

Remember I said I had our meeting recorded, but it was too big to email? Well, now I’ve got it off the phone and all converted. Notice how I can’t work my phone? That’s because I was too shaky. Also notice how I almost call her Trixie? Here’s my meeting with Tansy, all 8 minutes …

Damn You Texan Guide Dogs. Stop Scootin’ From Home!

Wow. Just heard about another guide dog who went missing in Texas. This one is in San Antonio…and has been missing since March 20. His name is Potter. Here’s a Facebook page about him. He is 7 years old and has a tattoo number of 493F. I’m just praying that someone took him in and …

New Guide Dog Journals: The Journey Home

Well here I am, although who knows where here is since I’m sitting in a chair in the sky. Woke up early and ran around grabbing all the odds and ends I couldn’t pack up until absolutely necessary. The resident advisor came in, had a boo around and confirmed I hadn’t forgotten anything. Then the …