I’m tired. I had a hard time settling down to sleep. I was just so jazzed about this whole raiser call and thinking about the whole Friday dinner. I realize I’ve kind of suck at explaining how they do things in the new training. We don’t go everywhere together on a big ol’ bus. Now …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
New Guide Dog Journals Day 11
Holy crap I can’t even keep track of what day it is. I’m writing this one up at the end…only this time I’m sitting up in a chair so if I fall asleep with my keyboard, I’m in trouble. Today started off with us all going to San Francisco. We all walked different routes. I …
New guide dog journals day 10
I’m exhausted. If I’m not careful, I may fall asleep with my keyboard. So we went to the lounge and waited for big evil traffic check man aka Adam. So for those who don’t know, the traffic route is the one where the class supervisor, or someone, drives at you from various positions so you …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 9
Back to the grind with us all. I have no idea what this day will look like since everybody’s got their own customized routes to hit. I know tomorrow afternoon we go over to GDB campus but today is a great big mystery. Oh and thanks to Carolyn the awesome nurse, I have trimmed bangs. …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 8
Ah the wonders of a day off. Tansy has been fed, watered and relieved which she did in the planter *oops* plus she’s been groomed. This morning a couple of the dogs had goopies on their eyes, probably just sleep crusties but weird that two dogs have them. I’m just waiting for Trixie’s raisers to …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 7
Wow. Day 7 already. A few things: I think I might have heard the beginnings of a dream bark last night. Also, Tansy told me last night that she can hold it, and will communicate quite clearly when she has to go. I think they’re trying to fix the wifi. Yea. Also maintenance is going …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 6
Today started off rather oddly. Tansy went out to do her business and all was well. Then I brought her back in to play with her bone. Chomp chomp went her bone followed by crunch crunch. Crunch? That’s not normal. Turns out that I had somehow spilled kibble, and the brat was eating it. Food …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 5
Today’s going well. Tansy is being more goofy. Adam distracted us, but Tansy didn’t care. Yesterday she went right for him and I had done my first timeout But today not so much. Had a really good route this morning. The only thing I did at the end was step in her poop. Ok. That’s …
New guide dog journals Day 4
I’m up obscenely early. Hope it doesn’t come back to bite me. I think I forgot to mention that the new handle I got was extra short but also urgo. I haven’t noticed a massive difference but I do feel little things. Another thing about Tansy. When she’s done relieving, she will not let you …
New Guide Dog Journals Day 3
Oops. I slept in this morning. Was up emailing and fighting with the WordPress app. Let’s not do that again. I usually don’t sleep in until the second week of training. Tansy is still giving me trouble with heeling but the instructors are helping me. Got a shorter handle. Let’s hope that feels better. She’s …