Moving? If Hiring A Mover, Avoid Metropolitan Movers And Shuttle Moving North York

So yeah…about that Metro Movers mowdown we keep promising. Here it comes. Hope you like long stories…ah who am I kidding? You must like ’em, you keep coming back here, don’t ya? So you’re probably wondering why the heck we hired movers anyway. Well, for a combination of reasons. Most of the people we would …

Help the Get Together with Technology Program Get Together Some Technology

This comes from a friend of mine. I wish I had spare equipment I could part with, because I think this Get Together with Technology program is a pretty neat idea. How many times over the years have I contemplated buying a piece of technology, but decided against it because it’s a lot of money …

Moving-Related Goodness: GRT Is Great!

Hehehehehehe. A little joke for folks reading Braille. GRT is great. Yes, yes it is. It’s the contraction for great, but Grand River Transit, which is GRT, is also great…at least so far. Here’s why. When I was preparing to move, I was trying to be all efficient and things. Learn about things in advance, …

Moving-Related Thoughts: So How Are We Anyway?

Holy crap I’m discovering I have a lot to say. Twice I set out to write *1* post about moving. Twice I’ve had to stooooop…so it didn’t overflow into miles and miles and miles and miles of writing. Hmmm. How far will I get in this post? So while all this is going on, Rogers …

Moving Related Thoughts: The Rogers Edition

So yeah…Bell…sheesh. Now I can get on with the rest of my thoughts. If that wasn’t enough to go wrong, we didn’t have a TV for about a week and a half (this will all make sense when we write about our dirt poor movers). So we couldn’t really feel like we were truly moved …

Moving-Related Goodness: Why Bell Sucks

So yeah. Hi there. Ya miss me? I’m still alive, although my brain feels like it’s been run over, squished and pounded into new and creative shapes. I’m starting to settle in…which feels good after the last little while we’ve had. Here are some things Steve and I have been thinking about to do with …

A Trix Update From Her New Home

Well, as Brad promised, here is a post on how the Trixeroo is doing. Sounds like things are going well…that peeing on everything she can outside thing is a new one. Funny how they change. So here it is. I hear that a lot of you are wondering what is happening with Trixie since the …

The Problems With First Past The Post Voting Explained

The other day at work, for some reason, we got talking about the whole First Past the Post electoral system. One of my coworkers mentioned a video aboutwhat’s bad about first past the post systems as illustrated by fictitious animal kingdom candidates. Kind of a neat, easy to understand video. Enjoy.