Hey there. Oh my god I’m alive. I have lots to say, both big and small. Let’s start with the small. Our USB category could use some love. Just the other day, I came across the perfect thing to go in it. We’ve often talked about USB missile launchers. Now, someone has designed a program …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
What a Nice Happy song! Oh my!
I’m in a strange strange mood this morning. So you get my strange strange musings. I was riding into work with a coworker yesterday and he had the French CBC radio station on…and an old song came on that I hadn’t heard in years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4T5TOXnnXg It got me thinking about my impressions of this song …
A Cute Little Guide Dog Song/Video
I warn anyone who has an ear for music, they might want to run screaming from the video I’m about to put up. But I couldn’t resist. Some guide dog instructors got cute and made a video called I’m Your Guide Dog, So Trust Me Baby. You know, Call Me Maybe? Trust Me Baby? Har? …
Shit People Say About Retiring A Guide Dog
Now that I’ve got it out there that Trix is retiring, I decided to write one of those “shit people say” posts. John Q. Public is a wealth of…sometimes amusement, sometimes frustration, sometimes bewildering stupidity. And I have seen a lot of this now that Trix is retiring and I’m out with the cane. As …
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Trixie Is Retiring
Well I said I had more to say. I’m going to try and write something. But I’m writing this at 6:30 in the morning, so it may look a little foggy. Yesterday I looked back in the Trixie category and found this post, chalk full of foreshadowing. I didn’t want to face it then, but …
Help GDB Build Its New SR Dorm
Woe! I live! Yup. Somehow, I’m here…ish. I have a lot to say, just finding the time to say it is another matter. I feel a little bad that my first post back is promoting the fact that GDB is looking for money, but it was an easy post to write since most of it …
Long Weekend Audio: What’s…In…The Bag?!
Alrighty! We made this audio last night, but due to some Goldwave operator error, and some knob deciding our server should get wacked around, you guys don’t get to see it until today. We played a game. And what was that game called? What’s…in…the bag?! This is probably not a fun game for your kids …
Via Rail Unmanned Stations Update
Steve’s Via Rail post from the other day got me thinking, and worried, and when that happens, I do what I always do…pick up the phone and bug the powers that be. Here’s how it went. The first lady I got was about half past useless. She told me she didn’t know for sure if …
So Long Uncle Mike, You’ll Be Missed
Man, I’m in the midst of all sorts of chaos, but I have to write this down. I just found out on Tuesday that my uncle passed away. It was totally unexpected. He had been dealing with cancer, but that was under control. Then, suddenly he got a blood clot, and…wammo! Now he’s gone, and …
The Eighth Carnival Lives!
Well that didn’t take long. the eighth round of the Assistance Dog Blog Carnival is up. March on over and checkout the posts.