Find Candy, The Lost Cockapoo

Update: She’s been found! On Friday, while reading about all the snow and freezing rain and lack of buses and all that stuff, I saw a disturbing tweet about a recently spayed female cockapoo named Candy that ran away, with flexi-leash still attached, in the Woodlawn and Victoria Road area. Now, for those of you …

Hopefully This Song Doesn’t Predict My Future

Well, the day has come. I have found a dentist, and I’m headed there. I kept putting it off, and I finally made myself go. Partly because of our dentists tag, and partly because it’s hard to find a dentist that will take my dental plan, I went strictly on recommendations. I was not going …

The Guide Dog Obstacle Course

Holy crap where is time going? It’s carnival time again. And I was an extra big loser and didn’t post the link to the October carnival when it came out. I’ll blame having a brand spankin’ new job for that little slip-up. Ah well, I’ll do better this time. The subject of this carnival is …

No! Person, down! Good Person!

The other day I came to a realization that I just had to right down. Ok, everybody who has a dog knows this. If they’ve been working to train a dog, and the dog’s getting the message that a certain behaviour, like counter surfing or picking stuff up off the floor or chewing on stuff …

Logic: A Deadly Weapon To Religion

Here’s a pretty awesome video of the amazing atheist taking apart another guy’s poem. You’d never believe this was 14 minutes. And the funny part is if this guy was religious, he’d probably be an awesome preacher. In 14 minutes, he managed to say a hell of a lot more than I did in this …

If Beth Gets A Snuggy As A Wedding Present, We All Know Why

Here’s another example of what could happen if you text the wrong number, and you’re…really dumb. Your exchange could get put up on a blog for all to see. At first I thought this was made up, but I don’t think someone could make up this amount of dumb. it continued the next day! What …

The Answer May Be Blowing In The Wind, But It’s Not A Pen

An exchange happened a while ago between myself and a tech support chicky for Samsung that I still snicker about when I think about it. I mentioned my friend and his phone saga in another long and winding post. Anyway, as part of his phone saga, we were trying to make it so it made …

What Should You Do?

This video that came from a show called “What Would You Do?” has been floating around in my head for a while. Basically the show thinks of situations that make people feel all kinds of uncomfortable, then gets actors to play them out and watches what passing Joe Blows do about what’s happening. The subject …