This video that came from a show called “What Would You Do?” has been floating around in my head for a while. Basically the show thinks of situations that make people feel all kinds of uncomfortable, then gets actors to play them out and watches what passing Joe Blows do about what’s happening. The subject …
Author Archives: Carin Headrick
Trixie Scoop
I think Trix needs a little bit of chatter. It’s been a long time since I’ve devoted a post just to Trix and only Trix. Trix got her new tag, or doggy bling as some call it. It’s funny. Every year, for a while, she sounds different with her new tag on. I put the …
The Shortest Holiday Wrap-Up Ever!
Well holy crap, it’s another year starting. Each year seems to go faster and faster. Before we know what hit us, Christmas will be here again and I’ll be repeating the same stuff. I don’t think this holiday update will be as huge as they usually are. I’m happy to report that unlike last Christmas, …
Get On The Right Bus, Gus, Make A Route Plan, Stan
This information has been updated to reflect the September 2 2012 changes. Second update: I think I fixed all my gaps, errors and booboos. Am working on figuring out where the community bus fits into this mish mash o goodness. Also. Guelph Transit said they’ll be putting up a text version of the bus layout …
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iNever Fired That Thing
Just in case someone out there is desperately searching for a last-minute Christmas gift, and office war implements would totally be the perfect gift, there are newer, crazier USB rocket launchers out there. This one, you can control from afar, using your iThing. Can you imagine? You’re not even at your desk, but your desk …
Thought Explosions About #SpikeMobileCCC and other things.
Here comes another monster o thoughts. While I’m doing the laundry, I might as well write a blog post. This whole being out of town part time thing has taught me that I suck at time-management. I was always able to get by since I had lots of flexibility to get stuff done. I didn’t …
Continue reading “Thought Explosions About #SpikeMobileCCC and other things.”
Sploosh Splosh Swimmin’ In A Thought Pool
It’s random thought splatter time. Put on your rubber boots, this thought puddle’s a doozer. Like every year, I have to get my silly Christmas shopping talk in there. When December started, I was flipping out, I’d hardly bought anything, and it was…what was Steve’s word? De-fucking-cember? I can’t find it, but ya know. Anyway, …
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St. Joe’s Has Its Bus Stop Back
Yup it’s me, queen of the quick posts. I have a very happy update to the St. Joseph’s bus stop going away story. To make a long story short, it’s back where it belongs! It actually was brought back Thursday, but I’ve been a little swamped. I thought this editorial did an awesome job of …
Who’s Gonna Sing This Song? Carin’s Gonna Sing This Song, It’ll Be In Her Head For Days And Days Now
This damn song from this video from won’t leave me alone. Who’s got a face like waaaa? Just don’t say your name is poop around that guy.
It’s The Occupy VC Cast
Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …