Brailling Signs Is Cool To Do…Just Not In Song

Steve called it when he mused that the song I’m about to inflict upon you would enter the ranks of You know, the sentiment is great, and it might get the point across. But ugga yugga bugga! Maybe I just can’t stand corny. But because having more Braille signs would rock my life, and …

Elections Ontario Accessible Voting Survey

Update: Blindies, you must take this survey either with NVDA or via phone. Part way through it becomes inaccessible if you’re using JAWS. There’s a place where you have to specify your knowledge level with various voting options…but there are no form fields I can see. At least it is more doable than I thought. …

Steve and I on Accessibility Matters

Well, it looks like today’s the day for me to be on the radio again, only this time, Steve will be there too! So, I’m sure it’ll be a lot more fun to listen to than those other shows. Like before, we have been invited on Accessibility Matters, which comes on Wednesdays at 1, and …

Figuring Each Other Out Is An Achievement

I should probably write this before I do anything else, since it kind of needs to be done by tonight if I want it to make it into the fifth assistance dog blog carnival. Yup, it’s time again. Geesh, I feel like I just wrote for July’s. Come to think of it, I kinda need …

Updates, Random Thoughts, And Assorted Stuff

I guess I should probably update folks, since last Saturday I was all full of “help me! Help me!” I have myself a steady ride! Yeah baby! It’s hard to explain how stressful it is wondering if you’ll have rides to work, or wondering which days you should say you’re available based on who says …

The Smarter Criminals Will Needle Him For This In Prison

I really think our drug-dealing apartment dweller has moved on. If not, it’s someone just as dumb. Instead of just asking random folk who pass him by, he decided to post flyers in the neighbourhood saying “heroin for sale” complete with his address, phone number, and name! Not surprisingly, the police got very interested and …

Anybody Wanna Help A Dork Update Phone Firmware

I feel like I just keep asking for stuff, but here goes. I’ve talked a lot about my Nokia N86. Well, I’ve discovered that it and Talks aren’t too kind to me when I’m using the web browser. For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can’t enter text into edit fields. All …

Anybody Heading From #Guelph to Kitchener? Could You Use An Extra Passenger?

Remember back a few days ago when I said I would post more until life had other plans? Well, life already had other plans, and they take effect on Monday. Hopefully I’ll be around here still a fair bit, but it could be a little touch and go for a while. Remember when I talked …