There Has To Be An Answer, But What Is It?

Something got me thinking the other day. And when I get thinking, I end up thinking of weird things. While construction workers were busy remastering Guelph, part of the work involved digging up streets to do sewer lines etc. While they were busy going diggity diggity root root yank, they hit a gas line, and …

Rape Threats Over Blog Entries? Seriously?

Someone retweeted this article about the things another blogger goes through because she blogs about women’s rights, and I’m in shock. The most we’ve ever gotten was some poorly-written hate mail. I can’t imagine actually getting threats that would make me live in fear. Even scarier is that she’s not alone. According to this, not …

Started Off A Witness, Became A Suspect

I’ve heard of other people joining in to rob a place once someone had smashed a window. But I don’t often hear about the ones who join in reporting the initial crime and saying they were witnesses. Well, the ones who called it in have now been arrested, and funnily enough, the first guy is …

Ouch. Can’t Think Of Any Better Title

Really, this story doesn’t need much else said. I mean, all you need are the words Man Stabbed In Scrotum With Hypodermic Needle and the flinching begins. I don’t even possess a scrotum and I’m shrieking imagining the agony. And to make things worse, part of the needle broke off inside. Ow ow ow ow …

Things To Do: Waste Time, Bore My Followers…

If I’d had any sense, I should have put this next thing up the day Steve wrote about the ability to make twit tickets. But since I don’t, it goes up today. For some inexplicable reason, someone has come up with the ability for people to write their to do list using Twitter. It’s called …

An Old Poem Has A New Reader

Sorry I haven’t written much over the past while. Believe me, I have a pile of stuff that caught my attention, and hopefully I won’t completely forget it all. Plus, I want to have something in the Assistance Dog Blog carnival, and the deadline is coming up…fast. So hopefully that means more posts from me…unless …

Elections Ontario: We Make Voting Easy, But Giving Feedback Hard

We said yesterday that voting with the Assistive Voting Tech went relatively smoothly, aside from the machine inexplicably telling Steve he had selected the sip and puff device when he had decidedly not sipped and/or puffed into anything. So, I thought it would be nice to give them a little feedback, most of which was …

He Called Dispatch, The police Dispatched Him To Jail

If you’ve had a bad morning, one way to make it worse would be to not stop for the cops when you happen to be a little over the speed limit and they notice. Sure it sucks to get a speeding ticket, but it sucks more to get arrested for leading them on a merry …