Recording? What Am I Recording? Well Shux!

This video of a cute couple inadvertently filming themselves while trying to figure out their new webcam killed me. My god. I think this is everybody’s parents or grandparents. It kind of reminds me of what happened when we tried to get my great aunt a computer. Oh, it would open up the internet and …

Talk About A Hot Beef Injection

This story is weird on so many levels. According to the story, Janet Hardt had a weird obsession. She liked injecting things into her face. It didn’t seem that she was doing it to improve her looks, as her face was kinda disfigured from the scarring caused by the repeated infections that resulted. She just …

What Is And Is Not Ironic…And Now I Want A Chimichanga  

I saw this comic about what is and is not irony on Twitter. Well, I should say I saw a link to it, because it was a great big ol’ image. But because I’m persistent *coughcough* annoying *coughcough*, the guy who sent it out actually read it into an audio file! Isn’t that awesome beyond …

A Double Dose Of Dumb: Running On Fumes And Yabba Dabba Dumbass

Here are a couple of poor car decisions. On their own, I wouldn’t have posted them…but together? I think they deserve a spot up here. Ok, you’re driving along the road. Vroomba vroomba vroom vroom. Hey! What’s that coming out of your hood? Wow! Smoke! And a lot of it! Hmmm! You should do something! …

Use A Safety Buoy, Your Boys Will Thank You!

Here’s a message to all scuba divers. Use a safety buoy, or else a fisherman might get ya by the short and curlies. That’s what happened to one poor sucker in England. John Goldfinch was happily fishing away, hoping for some mackerel. But what he got was a scuba diver. And where did he get …

To Him, It Was An Inflatable Pleasure Craft

Remember Edwin Charles Tobergta? Remember him now? Well, he’s up to his old, er, tricks, or something, again, only this time, it was with a loverly pink inflatable swimming pool raft. And I guess he’s been having problems like this for a long time, even his grandma talks about it, sorta. Poor Edwin, will always …