Latest Elections Ontario Accessibility Scoop

When I posted the thing about the home visits option for voting in the provincial election, I had some questions. At this home visit, would you be able to use the assistive voting devices? What kind of assistance was offered? I figured I’d phone Elections Ontario and ask. And here’s what I found out. If …

Chest Fest Was A Flop, But Perk Up, There’s Always Next Year

Well, hmmm. I mentioned the whole Top Freedom Fest thing a while ago. I should probably mention how it went.It didn’t. I guess the organizers didn’t manage to raise enough money for some of the performers, so they decided to settle for a march along the route that Gwen Jacob took when she was arrested. …

Here. Have A Bag Of Guilt

I wonder if this thief subscribes to my friend’s school of thought on returning lost items. It seems s/he stole bunches of stuff from bunches of cars in a neighbourhood, then felt guilty about it, so…rounded up all the items, put them in a bag and threw them on a random lawn with a note. …

Jack Layton Lost His War With Cancer

Really, I was having such a nice weekend with friends. Why did yesterday have to be filled with so much death and destruction? And one death is the focus of this post. I found out that early yesterday morning, Jack Layton, the federal NDP leader, lost his battle with cancer. He was 61. He has …

You Did What To Your Computer?

I saw this on Twitter, and after I finished smacking my fist, laughing, and making noises as if someone just strangled me, I felt it had to get posted up here. 6 Reasons the Guy Who’s Fixing Your Computer Hates You Why did it make me do all of these things? Because it’s, so, true. …

Something Else To Add To The Blech Box

Alright, kiddies, ready for a picnic? I’ve packed a special box just for yoooou! First we have some smart bacon for the vegans among us. Next up, if we’re stranded overnight, we have this entire breakfast we can make out of processed things. We even have cheeseburgers in a can or whole chickens in a …

There Was Poopin’ In The Park One Day

File this one under ug, this is the kind of shit, har har, that cops have to deal with sometimes. For reasons that were not explained, a fellow had been banned from entering a given park. When cops found him there, they told him he was trespassing, and tried to place him under arrest. But …

Douglas Archie Clark, Defrauding People Left, Left, Left Right Left

Remember Douglas Archie Clark? That fake war veteran who also had fake cancer? Well, he’s been at it again. And after they rearrested him because he didn’t show up for his July court appearance, wasn’t sticking to his release conditions, and was ripping more people off, they released him…again, with more release conditions. Yeah, because …