“Plagiarize. Let No One Else’s Work Evade Your Eyes.” Tom Lehrer

Soundtrack time, and I think this is the weirdest soundtrack by far. I read about this a while ago, but it was during the time when I had no ability to think to write stuff. But it still pisses me off, so much so that I allowed my Qwitter home buffer to grow a huuuuge …

Austin Lounge Lizards Questions Answered. Yea!

Woohoo, some questions I had about the Austin Lounge Lizards in this post have been answered in the comment below! Thank you, Marchbanks, for all the cool answers. Lessee if a native can clear up a few points for you . . . (2) Yes, that’s really Cornhusker Refugee. Somebody keeps using a bad scan …

He Gave Police A Leg Up On Catching Him

Ya know, it’s criminals like David Phillips that make police work look easy. He stole a bunch of jewellery and other things. But they noticed at one crime scene that there were a series of right footprints and crutch marks, and whatdya know? They led back to Phillips’ apartment. Phillips just happens to only have …

Disorder In The Court!

Here comes another one who hasn’t learned that trying to beat up court officials probably won’t work out so well. This one, after being held in contempt of court at a domestic violence hearing, tried to take out the judge. I guess she didn’t see court security, but they sure saw her. Down she went. …

Archie’s Getting To Her Jughead

The story of female CEO Nancy Silberkleit of Archie Comics scaring her employees sounds way too out there to be true. But on the other hand, could anyone make this stuff up? The report says several employees complained about Silberkleit’s vile antics, which include asking if sex toys were stored in an office safe and …

Ten Finger Seany On The Fourth Day Of July…

Soundtrack time! Why am I so amused by the image of a guy getting himself pretty crisped up by grinding up fireworks in a coffee grinder? Sean Michael Ogden was trying to break down smaller fireworks to make bigger ones. All he made was a big boom, a big boom that shook the house of …

Another Case Of Social Nutworking

Holy crap. The people with which we share this earth. I know that a lot of people are really upset about the Casey Anthony verdict. But this is just plain old nuts. In Oklahoma, some drug-crazed woman nearly killed some woman with her car because she looked like Casey Anthony. She waited for her outside …

Head Office Called Me About The Elevator

Bleh. That wasn’t the most wonderful update I’ve ever had. Williams and McDaniel called me back. And the short answer is they’re not going to do anything about the elevator’s alarm system. Until it totally and completely breaks, and they have to replace it with a new one, this alarm bell ringing to nowhere is …